Spring has officially arrived. And with it, we soon bid adieu to March. This month has been an exciting month for our community — highlighted by the success of the Davis High School girls’ and the UCD men’s basketball teams, as well as Davis High’s Citrus Circuits robotics team. You’ve made us all very proud.
City Update
Spring is a time of renewal and the progress toward “renewing Davis” is going well, including:
- Safe routes to school projects. Earlier this month, a unanimous City Council voted to eliminate parking on B Street between Seventh and 14th streets, a particularly narrow and hazardous stretch for bicyclists. Also, the city recently installed flashing crosswalk beacons in front of Willett and North Davis. All of this represents the city’s recommitment to providing safe routes to school for vulnerable users and bicycling in general. (See picture below of yours truly in front of the Willett one.)
- Improving local economy. All signs are pointing toward an improved local economy. For example, home resale inspections are up 50% from the same time in 2014. I suspect that when staff presents its mid-year budget report in about a month, the news will be very positive.
- Economic development projects. The three projects – the “Davis Innovation Center” near Sutter Davis Hospital, the “Mace Innovation Center” east of Davis, and the Nishi project at Richards Blvd. and Olive Drive – continue to stay on schedule and staff is working diligently on processing them.
- Community-police alternative conflict resolution program. Earlier this month, the City Council approved an informal, confidential, and voluntary mediation pilot program to resolve conflicts that arise between citizens and our police department. Many thanks to the community and our police department for working together to develop the program, which will be evaluated after a year.
Upcoming Items
T.S. Eliot may have said that April is the “cruellest” month, but certainly not for our city. Here’s what’s coming:
- This Saturday – Warm Remembrance Play Area dedication. The community’s effort to build a lasting memorial in Redwood Park to the lives of John Riggins and Sabrina Gonsalves – the “Sweetheart Murders” victims in the early 1980s – will culminate at 1:30p this Saturday. This has a lot of meaning to me; although John was significantly older than me, we grew up a street apart and participated in the same activities, including playing at Redwood Park. Please join us for refreshments and family fun.
- Picnic Day (April 18). The university’s annual “open house” promises to be another wonderful time, replete with racing dachshunds and battling bands. Look for me in the parade (beginning at 10a near the Quad) with students from Willett Elementary.
- Green waste/organics collection. Elsewhere in today’s newspaper is an op-ed by City Manager Dirk Brazil providing more information about the proposed program, which will be coming to the City Council in April.
More Information
I hope you’ve enjoyed this installment of the Mayor’s Corner. To contact me for any reason, please email me at mayor@cityofdavis.org or call me at 530-574-4360. The city’s website is cityofdavis.org.