Islamophobia is ever-present in this day and age, and the need for people of different races and religions to come together and understand what Islam truly is about has never been more crucial. Prejudice against Muslims is found in the current election, in the media, and even in cities across the nation as the hate crimes continue to increase. This Tuesday, the Muslim Student Association at UC Davis will present “Muslims Unfiltered” to counter hate and promote understanding. There will be a panel of speakers including Basim Elkarra from the Council on American-Islamic Relations – Sacramento Valley (CAIR-SV) and Dr. Hatem Bazian from UC Berkeley who will promote an understanding of Islam. Following, there will be a question and answer session. This free program open to the public will be at 7pm in Wellman 226 on the UC Davis campus and is co-sponsored by the Celebration of Abraham, the Davis Phoenix Coalition, Social Justice and Outreach at the Episcopal Church of St. Martin, the Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network (YIIN), the UC Davis Cross Cultural Center, and CAIR-SV.