The day after 300 African American and other students at UC Davis protested the February 15 allegedly hate-based assault on a female student at West Village on the UC Davis campus, the Davis Police report on another potential hate crime in broad daylight at the Amtrak Train Station in Davis.
According to police reports, at approximately 10:42 AM, Davis police officers responded to the Amtrak train station for a call of a hate crime/battery.
The police contacted the alleged victim, a 32-year-old Ethiopian male, who claimed to have been assaulted and battered by a white male.
According to the police, the man told police officers that the suspect had “approached him and made an unprovoked and racially derogatory comment towards him. The suspect then kicked the victim on the shin and pushed him down using his hands. The victim lost his balance and fell onto a concrete bench.”
The police report that the man “suffered minor scrapes, but declined any medical attention.”
The suspect is described as a white male, 40 to 50 years old, medium build, approximately 5’7″ in height, with short brown hair and a mustache. According to the victim, the suspect may have been holding a bottle and was likely intoxicated.
The Davis Police Department is investigating this case as a hate crime because of the derogatory comment made by the suspect just prior to the attack. It is the policy of the Davis Police Department to thoroughly investigate all crimes that are motivated by hate and to prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law.
Detectives were called out to pursue any possible leads and are actively attempting to identify to the suspect.
—David M. Greenwald reporting
Alan Miller calls it, 10:41pm!
Root cause? Over-imbibing alcohol? Racism? Both? Dominant determinant?
Kat-mo-Ree… attack in West Village… attack @ Amtrak… not thinking racism nor sexism, nor “gang-ism” are the dominant issues…
I was going to ignore a police press release in light of the discussion yesterday?
You’re right, David… clearly another example of white males being racists… you absolutely are correct in publishing this… people need to know about not only the facts of the incident/crime but the root cause… white male racism [and we all know only white males can be racists… it’s genetic]… obviously a “hate crime”, and perfectly consistent with your previous reporting… keep up the good work…
I don’t recall saying any of that.
There is a clear pattern here at the Davis Vanguard, and on our now liberal campus / town.
White students threatened / beaten with a metal pipe by a person of color = ignored.
White students / citizens robbed with a gun by a person of color = ignored.
White female student raped by a person of color = ignored.
Asian students robbed / beaten near campus by a person of color = ignored.
Drunk white male (possibly vagrant) pushes a citizen of color = bring on the hysteria.
All of these above incidents happened recently in our little liberal burg.
Start by asking this question – was the victim in the cases where you say color was ignored, targeted because of their race or were they simply a victim of circumstances.
I know a lot of people don’t agree that a “hate crime” is substantially different from other sorts of crimes, but there are added elements. Graffiti is a great example. Someone spray paints something on your house or car, it’s a pain and an expense to clean. Someone spray paints the N-word or a Swastika and it becomes like an act of terror. Someone attacking the young lady at West Village triggered a response from a group of people who felt persecuted by the act in a way that you would never seen with other sorts of crime. The history of these acts were that they were meant to be forms of intimidation, a message sent to racial minorities reminding them of their place in society. So believe that doesn’t happen anymore? I disagree. That’s why it’s different.
TBD wrote:
> Drunk white male (possibly vagrant) pushes a citizen
> of color = bring on the hysteria.
If it turns out to be a homeless guy (vs. a 45 year old Lexus SUV driving Romney voter who drove from Lake Alhambra at 9:30am to drink malt liquor and act on his racist feelings at the Davis train station) David will ignore the story since in addition to ignoring anything bad done by “people of color” he also ignores anything bad done by the “homeless” (it is David’s BLOG and he can cover what he wants and continue to post every day how Davis is “unsafe”, over 50% racist and how the lack of “affordable” housing is why we have alcoholics and crystal meth addicts sleeping by the railroad tracks)…
SOD – Yes, you need to be a member of a protected victim group, or if you are a white male you need to be a card-carrying social justice activist type of white male, then you get a pass for most bad behavior even causing physical harm to others. But if a white male lacking the social justice activist card, you should avert your eyes, stay away from designated spaces and always sit in the back of the bus. And don’t talk to anyone not in your politically incorrect group unless you want to risk being persecuted for hate crimes.
And people are surprised about the rise of Trump.
“But if a white male lacking the social justice activist card, you should avert your eyes, stay away from designated spaces and always sit in the back of the bus”
Looks like you and SOD are experiencing a little “victim mentality”. White male at the back of the bus ? Really. Are you really claiming that you are experiencing what the blacks did in the South in the Rosa Park days ? Keep going along this vein and you may actually convince me by example that “victim mentality” exists.
The strange fruit of anonymous posting on the Vanguard blog site: white privilege requires cover to feel secure and good about itself.
You look white, do you feel good about yourself or do you loathe yourself for being born white with privilege?
“You look white, do you feel good about yourself or do you loathe yourself for being born white with privilege?”
I don’t believe that anyone “loathes” themselves for being born white. I believe that perhaps a little self “loathing” or at least introspection is called for when one chooses to exploit their “whiteness” to the disadvantage of someone of another color. Same goes for the use of any skin color, religion, sexual preference or gender. It just happens that “whites” historically and currently have the upper hand in such discrimination in this country.
Yolo County is often lauded as being one of the greatest places to raise a family. With its pastoral views, dark underbelly of racism, and small town charm, many families feel that it is the only place they could truly call home.
“Yolo County is often lauded as being one of the greatest places to raise a family. With its pastoral views, dark underbelly of racism, and small town charm, many families feel that it is the only place they could truly call home.”
I think that we are now seeing in the support for Trump, exactly this sentiment, in many places in the country, not just Yolo County. Frankly has nicely captured what I think is the most resounding Trump message for many…..” Make America White Again”.
When did Trump ever say that?
You’re showing your partisan stripes again.
He didn’t. However if you Google the term, you’ll see the context. And that’s it for Trump. Not the topic of this thread. Don please remove any further comments referring to Trump.
Oh BP. For heaven’s sake. It’s a play on “Make America Great Again” and it is not mine, but rather from an op ed in the NYT but I certainly didn’t see this as plagiarism. I simple cannot remember which commenter.
I believe that the phrase accurately represents the actual spirit of Mr. Trumps campaign. My evidence :
1. He characterized immigrants from Mexico as rapists, criminals and murderers….although he conceded that some may be “good people”. In case you haven’t noticed most of these people would no be characterized as “white”.
2. He is calling for “temporary ban on Muslims” entering the country congress can “figure out what is going on”. Most of these people are also not those we would consider “white”. A time line so vague as to mean “forever” in my opinion if we are waiting for congress to “figure it out”.
3. He said when he is we will all “be saying Merry Christmas again”. Now while this is not racist, it certainly elevates Christianity above other religions.
So here we have, in his own words, one instance of racial discrimination and two instances of religious discrimination and you are going to quibble about the exact turn of phrase I used ?
No more on Trump Please.
I’m not a Trump supporter (and I think he is a narcissistic crazy person), but all the (US Citizen) Latinos (who voted for Obama in the 2012 election) that work for me plan to vote for him (just like the Latinos in Nevada who gave Trump more votes than Rubio and Cruz combined) since they want a wall.
There are two kinds of racists in Davis, one is the kind that knocks over people at the train station and the other it the kind (who don’t worry about someone sneaking across the border today and taking their job tomorrow) that tell poor uneducated “people of color” who they should voter for…
“ since they want a wall.”
I think that these folks are forgetting the second point of Mr. Trump’s promise to build a wall. They are forgetting that he has no power whatsoever to “make Mexico pay for it”. Now perhaps if he wants to make those who profit from the cheap labor that Mexico provides, and the ordinary citizen whose food and childcare and housecleaning bills will soar without these undocumented workers, then he may be able to make his case. I am not holding my breath on that, but that needs to be part of the conversation before these people decide to vote for him.
Tia wrote:
> housecleaning bills will soar without these undocumented workers,
Sorry to hear your housecleaning bill will “soar” if we have less undocumented workers…
Topic is hate crime at train station. Thanks.
David, you know the usual suspects will not allow that discussion, you pointed it (and them) out yesterday.
“Sorry to hear your housecleaning bill will “soar” if we have less undocumented workers…”
I hope you feel better now that you have that ignorant, unwarranted and very personal cheap shot off your chest.
Tia, you were the one that wrote: “housecleaning bills will soar without these undocumented workers” but accuse me (a guy who cleans his own house) of a “cheap shot”. You might think it is “fine” but telling the “brown people” who not to vote for because “housecleaning bills will soar without these undocumented workers” is not violent like hitting a guy at the train station, but it is just as racist…
So David, can I respond or is it just certain posters that can keep it going?
“No more on Trump Please.”
Ok. But I believe that this is of a great deal of local interest and highly relevant to the situation here in Davis. If most racism both here, and throughout the country is covert, then how is it not relevant that one of our national candidates for president is amassing much of his support more or less covertly by making indirect statements through which their is “plausible deniability”. Is that not exactly the mechanism used by many of our posters here when they attempt to deny racism while tossing out as many possible alternatives as they can to deny the most likely explanation ?
I look forward to your article
“I look forward to your article”
Fair enough
“Tia, you were the one that wrote: “housecleaning bills will soar without these undocumented workers” but accuse me (a guy who cleans his own house) of a “cheap shot”.”
Yes, but please notice I did not say a word about my personal housekeeping practices or costs. It was you who chose to use the word “your” in your response. Since I was the only one who had mentioned the issue, I could only conclude that you were asserting that my personal cost would rise. My belief is that you have no idea how my house gets cleaned and no businesses making any inference whatsoever about my personal finances.
One final point. I am not telling anyone “how to vote”. I am making my best case for why one candidate is completely and totally unacceptable and unworthy both temperamentally and ideologically to be president. That is exercise of First Amendment right, not racism.
TW, you missed the point and the joke. Read the first line of the CASA article.