by Jerika L.H.
Citizens of neighboring Calaveras County are expressing shock and anger over recent statements made by a public official indicating that Mexican people should be removed from Calaveras County. Planning Commissioner Kelly Wooster was caught on film joking that people from Mexico should be regarded as “Invasive Species” during a Calaveras County public meeting on March 3.Wooster, an attorney by trade, was appointed as Planning Commissioner in 2013.
The meeting was called to address policies planning to deal with the eradication of encroaching species which are not native to Calaveras County. Members of the panel shared a momentary brain storm in finding the exact wording for the measure to include both plant and animal life. One panelist suggested “maybe we could just say ‘invasive species’” as another responds “yeah, that’s good. It kinda covers everything.” Wooster then retorts “Including people from Mexico?” Some in the panel laugh while another states “Whoa, I’m not going to comment on that.” They continued to laugh awkwardly while one board member points out “The internet will be afire with comments on that.”
Locals have indeed taken to the internet to voice their concerns over Wooster’s racists comment. While some attribute his misstep to a momentary lapse of judgement coupled with bad humor, many are calling his remark inexcusable and are circulating petitions to ask for his removal. The petition is currently just a few people shy of its 100 signature goal.
Whether in jest or genuinely, his implications were that it would be wishful thinking to indicate that Calaveras County would “support efforts to eradicate” Mexican people and “encourage practices that reduce their spread.” This blatantly racist comment is not only wildly inappropriate, but also raises concerns about Wooster’s ethical eligibility to serve in public office. Points also being mentioned by Wooster’s dissenters is the ironic fact that California was once part of Mexico, and that individuals of European descent are not indigenous to Calaveras County.
Even more upsetting is the dehumanizing slight that Mexican people would be included in the subgroup of plant and animal species. Approximately 11% of the population in Calaveras County identifies as Mexican American. Calaveras County, which means skull in Spanish, was named such after settlers encountered many dead Miwuk bodies left in piles by Spanish soldier after the cultural genocide of Native Americans in California. Calaveras county towns were literally built on the remains of Native graves, not to mention Native land. Calaveras county is still almost entirely rural land and has a population one-tenth the size of the city of Sacramento. In fact, the city of Davis alone has more inhabitants than the whole of Calaveras County.
Wooster has not yet responded to growing public criticisms, nor has the government body which he serves on. It remains to be seen what action will be taken in light of his controversial and offensive statements. The comment was caught on film by a citizen attending the meeting. Watch the exchange for yourself below.
In a meeting on March 3, 2016 dealing with the eradication of invasive species, Kelly Wooster (Calaveras County Planning Commissioner, District 4) stated that the term “invasive species” should include “People from Mexico.” A statement such as this has no place in our community, especially coming from a county representative during a public meeting! Sign this petition to urge the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors to remove Mr. Wooster from his position as Planning Commissioner. Sign here: https://goo.gl/gqubjv
Posted by Michael Magana on Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Unbelievable ! Thanks for bringing to light a very public example of how racism and xenophobia seem to be doing well in our supposed “post racial” society.
There isn’t much of an excuse for this comment, even as a joke, even as a “slip”.
Stop the presses! I agree with Alan Miller
maybe Trump will recruit him for his cabinet!
Good point. He isn’t Hillary Clinton’s type of local government official… she would prefer someone more like Oscar Hernandez.
No excuse for an elected official saying something like this. He should resign immediately.
Is a planning commission elected?