Reflections on the 4th AD Race

California State Capitol
Elmer Mark Kropp
Elmer Mark Kropp

By Mark Kropp

The local paper headlines, “No new surprises in Assembly District 3 debate.” Wrong number- it’s the 4th! The paper borrowed the story written by the neighboring towns reporter of a bland discussion at the Dixon Chamber of Commerce Forum held at the Dixon City Hall.

What I said was Charlton Heston is turning in his grave as they rip his rifle from his cold dead hand in response to concerns of our 2nd Amendment rights. One participant it can be said, literally got into Dan Wolk’s face.

I never met the publisher of the Sacramento Bee yet he professes to endorse a candidate(s) from our district. What happened to the days a publisher listens to all the candidates or a reporter gives both sides to a story? I understand readers want action to buy a paper. I understand advertisers want their position heard.

I now understand overweight, middle age pompous publisher’s like that of one city in particular. His idea was to gather all candidates in a room so he could blow his hot air and establish his political views while endorsing a predetermined individual.

I stated at the Dixon Chamber forum, “Don’t believe everything you read.” In our case, watch as our 1st Amendment rights give way to papers who fail to report and those who decide for whom you should vote.

Today a columnist writes my odds are 14,000 to 1 because my name is “Elmer.”

I stated at the forum, “Ridiculous!”  when discussing responses of some to real legitimate concerns of the LGBT community. Cecilia said “my daughter is gay and we have lived with the reaction of many.”

Most of what the other candidates were saying was unreported and really not to worry, much was unheard because the microphones were not always working. How convenient? Everyone is so busy ensuring the Truth gets out. Not true.

Voters beware! Don Saylor asked at the forum if you want a candidate like himself that goes door to door or do you want the one portrayed by the independent expenditures. I too saw the IE ad on my smartphone. I listened to the IE radio piece. I watched the IE TV commercial. What marketing I thought. This person is an angel. I want them for my District…

2 million dollars and you too can own an assembly seat. Thank you Lord I did not spend my neighbor’s money in this campaign. Unfortunately, the Dixon Forum had to listened to Charlie Shaupp’s repeated warnings about the lobbyists.

I write because we still have a chance to analyze the character of each candidate. We do not need to succumb to the foregone conclusions of “tea leaf” readers or those who wish to control the outcome of this election. We can examine the issues.

As an aside, I did put up a sign, and people asked what music does our station play-KROPP. Haha



Breaking News Elections State of California


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