Having Attended Two Forums on Measure…

Measure A Forum at Rancho Yolo clubhouse. Shown at speakers’ table, Alan Pryor, Michael Corbett, Tim Ruff. Moderator (standing), Jerry Hallee
Measure A Forum at Rancho Yolo clubhouse. Shown at speakers’ table, Alan Pryor, Michael Corbett, Tim Ruff. Moderator (standing), Jerry Hallee

Having attended two forums on Measure A, three Council Candidate debates in which Nishi was discussed and read dozens, if not by now hundreds, of published editorials and letters, four areas of agreement emerge.

  1. Davis has a housing shortage

Yes on A says, Nishi will add 650 housing units.

No on A says, they won’t do it, but if they do they won’t be affordable.

Yes on A says, yes we will, and they will rent at an average 30% below market rates.

  1. Traffic at Richards, Olive, First Streets is a mess

Yes says, we’ll spend $23 million of our own money to help fix it.

No says, it isn’t enough.

  1. We need more innovation/technology companies to base in Davis, coordinate with UCD facilities and abilities, and provide employment, so people can work, as well as study, research, and live here.

Yes says, “How about 15-1800 jobs, generating $350 million a year to the local economy, schools, parks, support services and  infrastructure?”

No says, “who needs it?”

  1. We need to keep our city green and environmentally healthy.

Yes says, Nishi includes a 12 acre urban forest and advanced air filtration systems that reduce air particulates by 95%. More than 50% of the site will be open space, solar energy, and food production. It will exceed 2013 Cal Green Tier 1 Standards by 30%

No says, “Residents will choke on the air between the freeway and the railroad tracks.”

  1. Thousands of Davis residents and UC community have chosen a side in the debate.

Yes on A, at least 1000 mostly prominent long-time citizens of Davis, including Davis development heroes such as Michael Corbett and Maynard Skinner, ex-mayors, supervisors, commissioners, state assemblymembers, senators, leaders from dozens of organizations, school officials and boards, editors of The Enterprise, and all incumbent and candidates for the Davis City Council.

No on A, ???

Alan and Claudia Nitta

Dianne and John Knotts

Maggie and Don Sherman



Letters and Brief Announcements



  1. Well put. No on A got so desperate they slandered ASUCD’s own internal process in an attempt to reclaim legitimacy. ASUCD is home to a lot of very bright people and impressive organizers and the way they smeared ASUCD for doing what was obviously in students’ interests crossed a line.

    I’m waiting for them to try to smear the Graduate Student Association for voting to endorse Nishi

  2. The 6 authors of the above argument live in Rancho Yolo, and their stated goal is to support Nishi in the hope that Sterling Apartments won’t be needed or approved across the street from Rancho Yolo.

    Yes on Nishi folks care not a bit about overcrowding  and ruining downtown Davis, let alone the terrible traffic that will be generated by Nishi and new apartment buildings on Olive Drive.

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