Neo-Nazis to Rally at State Capitol


By Jerika L.H.

Various neo-Nazi groups are scheduled to meet at the state capitol on June 26 as an official event of their “White Lives Matter” campaign, a white supremacy gathering that claims to spread awareness about “white genocide.” The event has been instrumented by the Traditional Workers Party (TWP), an Aryan nationalist organization led by Mathew Heimbach. Heimbach made national headlines after violently attacking an African American protester at a Donald Trump rally, and also petitioned for the creation of a White Student Union at the Towson University Campus.

He has been directly linked to the Aryan Terror Brigade, the American Freedom Party, and the League of the South. TWP will stand with other local domestic terrorist groups, including The Sacto Skins, Golden State Skinheads, National Socialist Movement, California Skinheads (CAS), Blood & Honor and the Ku Klux Klan.


Anti-fascist activists are already planning their opposition, as they organize a counter protest. Similar to previous years, a police presence will be put in place to “protect freedom of speech” and minimize physical contact between both sides. Many have blamed Donald Trump for the documented rise in white supremacy organizations and domestic terrorist membership after he was officially endorsed by the Grand Wizard of the KKK. In fact, the Southern Poverty Research Center confirmed that the number of hate and anti-government ‘Patriot’ groups grew last year, while domestic terrorist attacks and radical plots have increased as well.

Unfortunately, white supremacy groups are no strangers to the Sacramento area. In fact, there are currently eight documented active hate groups in Sacramento; 84 in the entire state. The racially charged fliers found on parked cars in Sacramento in May which called for a “renewed commitment to white power” was yet another sign of the times – what many fear is growing Aryan radicalism amidst larger national conversations on the Black Lives Matter campaign.

One Citrus Heights-based group, American Front, has regained its numbers after fascist leader David Lynch was shot and killed in March 2011. Lynch was also the head of the Sacto Skins, one of the oldest skinhead gangs in the country who are expected to be in attendance at the June 26 rally. Other hate groups speculated to stand with TWP are Life Rune Industries, a North Highlands group that produces white-supremacist music, and The National Alliance, a white supremacist, anti-Semitic organization that is active in Sacramento.

The Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento group has already released a statement which calls for collective community efforts to unmask the local Klan members living among us and reclaim the streets as a hate free zone.

“Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento does not believe in allowing hate to have a platform and we are calling upon the community to shut down their rally. Fighting fascism is a moral duty, not a political one. We believe most people are good and are willing to stand up against racial hatred. Our objective is to force the nazis off our streets and to send a strong message that they are not welcome in society and especially Sacramento.”



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      1. As this article demonstrates, the right certainly doesn’t have a monopoly on disrespect for the First Amendment. Although, it was Trump himself who has repeatedly urged his supporters to beat the crap out of protestors, and his campaign staff who banned a journalist from his campaign events. I find that more disturbing than a relatively few misguided protesters.

        1. As someone strongly in favor of free speech, I agree with you on this point.  On the one hand, shutting them down goes counter to that, but on the other, a counter-protest is also free speech.

          The rise of political violence this election cycle bears watching.  Some of this is starting bear resemblance to pre-1932 Germany.

        2. “Relatively few” misguided protesters?

          I recall wall-to-wall coverage when one Donald Trump supporter (old man) socked one Obama supporter.

          Here we have multiple mobs chasing down peaceful Trump supporters who are walking to their cars. Multiple mobs chasing and throwing objects at single women. Mobs chasing down married couples in their 50s.


        3. Exactly TBD, but somehow it’s all Trump’s fault when thugs are beating on peaceful Trump supporters, even shouting defamtory remarks at families with kids walking by them.  It’s disgusting to have those on the left and media downplaying this.

  1. There seems to be a typo in the article. Where is says “Anti-fascist activists” the article would indicate that “Other-fascist activists” would be correct. Please edit.








  2. in Germany, mien kampf had only been taken off a “banned” list and many of my jewish friends are now reading the book for the first time.  In fact, it became a bestseller and #1 there….

    History repeats itself if one doesn’t learn from it..and so on.

    I support true free speech, I support all to gather freely and yell whatever crazy stuff they want….. real info and real books, that are not censored nor altered to fit the whims of the booksellers.

    PS>  In this country we have freedom of speech,

    as long as you don’t speak out about the “establishment”,

    we also have free speech in books and  the right to assemble freely, but just don’t do something the government doesn’t want you to do or you will be 6 feet under without even a trial…..

    one can be an investigative journalist going after something the government is trying to hide, like the detroit young people recently, who both died “inexplicably”….

    PPS>   Jerika, isn’t that hand logo a union one?  or a worker motto? do these groups belong to openly affiliated “neo-nazis”….and even if they are, are they not also allowed freedom of speech?

  3. What is the goal of these folks who are being labeled or labeled themselves  Neo -Nazi.  Racial segregation ? Concentration camps ? Ghettos?  I don’t get it . Apparently this is not a illegal

    organisation  if has right to demonstrate and speak out .

  4. “White Lives Matter” is a “white supremacy hate group”, does that make “Black Lives Matter” a “black supremacy hate group”?

    “Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento does not believe in allowing hate to have a platform and we are calling upon the community to shut down their rally.”

    It sounds like Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento does not feel that “white people” who hate should have a platform (I have not heard of Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento calling to shut down events where Mexicans scream that they hate Trump or Black people chant that they hate that UCD allows them to be “under attack”…

    I think the “White Lives Matter” people DO sound like crazy racists and I hoping that the people who agree with me will take a minute to think about how dong the same crazy racist things like blaming other races for all your problems while chanting that a different color (Black, Brown, Yellow, Red) race is the only one that “matters” is any different…

      1. You read my mind, BP.

        I listened to the San Jose mayor being interviewed on a Bay Area radio station and he continually referred to the “folks” who chased and beat attendees. Never once did he mention that many / most of the attackers appeared to be Latino, and most of the victims were white.

        I watched about 5 video clips on youtube, and I could here one young Latino man shout “La Raza” – does that qualify this attack as a Hate Crime? Probably not, the victim was white.

        The mayor sounded like an apologist, and the police chief who let the beatings occur may suffer from incompetence. I am not a trained police officer, but I have to think if you allow 10 or 20 hoodlums to behave badly without repercussions, the other 300 or 400 who witness are just given carte blanche to continue toe mob behavior. A caller to the radio program also said it would have been possible to let rally goers exit safely into the parking garage, but apparently the police instead ushered the people right out into the waiting mob! Brilliant, just brilliant.

        Said apologist also claimed there were only 7 known victims, and no one went to the hospital, but then I read that there was one gay Latino Republican that sought medical attention.

        These mob rallies seem to prove Trump’s assertions.

        1. TBD wrote;

          > The mayor sounded like an apologist, and the police

          > chief who let the beatings occur may suffer from

          > incompetence.

          They sounded exactly like the racist mayors and police chiefs who blamed black people that showed up to hear MLK speak for the violence of racist whites.

        2. The topic is shutting down free speech and that’s exactly what the left has been attempting to do at Trump rallies.
          [moderator] Please adhere to the comments David and I have made. No more presidential politics on this thread.

        3. I thought the DVG was an open forum?

          So white folks being beaten in San Jose is real life but off topic, but some mythical pretend neo Nazi’s get their own thread?

    1. Perhaps our correspondent looks down on WLM as they don’t burn down houses and loot liquor stores which makes them less interesting than BLM?

    2. South of Davis

      I think that you may be missing one critical point. The stated goal as can be seen on many of the web pages of various white supremacist groups is to in some manner completely segregate the races and subjugate those of darker skin. Some would do this by geographic isolation. Some would do it by social isolation And some ultimately would choose to send all “black people” back to Africa. If you do not believe this, please just do a quick Google search and you will find a wealth of viewpoints on how best to oppress those of different skin color.

      This is in contrast to those who want equal treatment under the law. I doubt there are many who post here who would argue that equal treatment under the law is what should be the standard. And yet, equal treatment has not been achieved in this country. That is the ask. Not domination, but equality. A major difference in my opinion.

      As for violent actions, both sides have used them. Within my lifetime, we still had systematic terrorism against blacks by whites in the South. We are not talking about generations ago. This was within the past 60 years. Now we see rioting. Neither blacks nor whites have consistently chosen to take the high road of non violence.

  5. “What is old is new again” is an aphorism that Jerika takes to heart. Yesterday we had the entirely imagined article about violence in schools without even a pretense of substantiation which brings to mind “Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines”


    Today we are witness to Herika reviving an old tradition of creating the news. Harking back to Hearst and his tradition of inciting wars and then covering them, Jerika is asking us all to go down and get violent so she can report on it. Her plan is likely not going to work well as Davis is full of people who have little appetite for mixing it up. But perhaps I am wrong.

    1. quielo

      But perhaps I am wrong.”

      I believe that you are wrong. But what I believe you to be wrong about is Jerika’s intent. I know Jerika, so while I do not know what is in her head and heart, I believe that she writes honestly from her own perspective about issues that are important to her. Many of us who write articles for the Vanguard are telling our own truths. This frequently does not mean that much of or readership is going to agree. Because my views are clearly far out on one side of the Bell Curve, I take a lot of heat for my articles.

      To increase awareness of events and issues is certainly my goal and I believe it is that of Jerika also. I do not see her statement as an attempt to incite violence. What I see when I read Vanguard commentary on racial issues is a divide between those who continue to perceive significant racism in our society and those who believe it to be “de minimis” as one poster likes to say.

      So one could see Jerika’s calling this event to our attention in a different light. I am conflicted. I think it can be very useful for those who believe that there is no significant racism to see these groups in action. But I also believe that no attention to them whatsoever might be the better long term strategy.Either way, I do not see Jerika’s article as in any way as “yellow journalism”.

      1. Tia,




        I have no idea of what is “Jerika’s intent” nor what is in her heart, all I know is what she writes. The article which i described as “yellow journalism” I believe exactly matches the definition “a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines”. There was no substantiation at all and no clear reason why it was not provided.  I believe there is a difference between journalism and pure fiction.

        “divide between those who continue to perceive significant racism in our society and those who believe it to be “de minimis””. I certainly see significant racism and racial violence in our society. I my view there is a divide between people who see things through the lens of white/black history and those that see California’s pluralist society. In my opinion the current perpetrators of racial violence are overwhelming likely to have black or brown skin.


  6. Fact: 

    Henry Ford was  the one of many  who inspired and influenced  Adolf Hitler to write Main Kampf

    In 1938, Ford received an award from Hitler  called the “Grand Cross of the German Eagle”

    Henry Ford authored and published in 1920 the  book entitled “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem “


  7. We are getting to the point in California where a white rights and a men’s rights movement would be justified and make sense.   But instead of the typical modern leftist victim group movement, I would expect these to be non-violent.

    1. The media (left) would plunder it.

      I think the whole nation needs to watch those video tapes of San Jose to see where they will be in 5, 10, 20 years.

        1. From their writings I’m sure many of the posters here will be there in spirit if they are not able to be there in person.

          I call bullsheeeet Misanthrope.  Name one commenter on here who has ever shown to be sympathetic to the KKK.  What an effing cheap shot.

        2. The KKK is like fight club where the first rule of Fight Club is you never talk about Fight Club. I was simply playing off of Biddlin who seems also to sense the same kind of white resentment from anonymous posters that you would expect to hear come from under the hoods at a Klan rally.

        3. I was simply playing off of Biddlin who seems also to sense the same kind of white resentment from anonymous posters 

          What you and Bitterlin see as white resentment is actually some people don’t feel they have to be apologetic or ashamed for being white like some of the liberal self loathing apologists in this town.

        4. BP wrote:

          > Name one commenter on here who has ever shown to be sympathetic

          > to the KKK.  What an effing cheap shot.

          BP needs to look at the world through the “progressive” lens:

          Beating a black guy while waving a confederate flag = Racist Hate Crime

          Beating a white guy while waving a Mexican flag = Standing up to Racial Hatred

          Pointing out that it is wrong for illegal aliens to beat white people they don’t like = Racist Hate Crime (Indicating KKK Membership)

      1. Notice how the Left soft peddles, condones, or approves of such violence directed at conservative and / or white Americans? Hypocrisy.

        The GOP convention may be ugly. I wonder if some truckers, veterans, and dudes on Harley’s will show up to provide protection from La Raza?

        Biddlin, I sense unresolved anger issues.

        1. TBD

          Notice how the Left soft peddles, condones, or approves of such violence directed at conservative and / or white Americans? Hypocrisy.”

          Yes. That is hypocrisy when it occurs. What is amazing to me is that you do not seem to see the same hypocrisy on your side when you are minimizing the same actions when the violence is by conservative and/or white Americans.

          What I cannot see is why both sides cannot simply assert that violent behavior is unacceptable no matter who the perpetrator or promoter.

        2. What is amazing to me is that you do not seem to see the same hypocrisy on your side when you are minimizing the same actions when the violence is by conservative and/or white Americans.

          Name some fairly current instances and who minimized their actions?

  8. one can also watch the tapes of Oak Park, and Oakland, Lincoln HS in SF in the 60s.

    one can move closer to the present and watch the Rodney King related riots.

    one can watch the secret films – or photo films..  (remember those, of many fast still shots becoming a sort of early film) of the riots in decades and, even perhaps a century,  past…  in many other countries….

    one can read and learn about the Pharoahs and Egypt and one can allow things to repeat

    one can look at what some israeli’s are doing to Palestinians and one can also go a bit further back and see the jews at the holocaust camps.

    now that there are so many refugees all over due to the interference of the US in most countries and regimes, I find it interesting that the nazi movement is raising it’s ugly head again, and that for the first time those EU countries that accepted some refugees are starting to read mein kampf

    what goes around comes around…..

    1. Marina

      Well said .  The Planet Earth getting overpopulated  than the  rulers of the  New World Order will find reason to decrease  the population. Most likely  with the  nuclear heads this time . The  stockpile of these hot toys are  quite impressive around the world .

  9. All violence against participation in political speech and suppression of political speech should be condemned. One of my problems with Trump is that he egged it on seemingly not aware that violence begets violence. Contrast that with the statements of Clinton condemning such assaults. Like it or not one shows political maturity the other amateurishness. The people of Sacramento should do what they did in Skokie, have a much bigger counter-rally. The people who want this rally are hoping there is some violence so that many like the posters here will have more fuel for the bonfires of their anti-other rage.

  10. The correct way to handle the rally is to ignore it… no media coverage of any kind and if possible, stay 1/4 mile or more away, as an individual.

    Everyone has the right of free speech, but no-one has any right to have anyone listen…

  11. [moderator]:

    1. To all participants: we need to keep presidential politics out of the comments, unless that is the specific topic.

    2. Avoid direct criticisms of the author(s) of Vanguard articles. Stick to the subjects.

    3. Note to all, but especially to Jerry: when you post comments with many links, it goes into the moderation queue and has to be released manually by myself or the blog administrator. It would be better if you would make your points in your own words, rather than posting lengthy lists of links.


  12. calls for collective community efforts to unmask the local Klan members living among us

    Ironically, it was the anti-supremacist groups that were masked!

      1. Yes Alan, the leftist haters beat tried to beat the hate out of a hate group.

        “Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate” — Taylor Swift

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