Fernandes Becomes the Third to Announce for Davis School Board

School Board Stock
Alan Fernandes
Alan Fernandes

With a week left to file, there are now three candidates for two seats on the Davis School Board, as Davis School Board Trustee Alan Fernandes announced his intent to file for re-election to the Davis School Board this November.

Mr. Fernandes has been part of three processes already.  He unsuccessfully ran for school board four years ago in 2012, losing out to incumbent Susan Lovenburg and Nancy Peterson.

Then in 2014, when Nancy Peterson resigned in the wake of the volleyball scandal, Mr. Fernandes was appointed to fill her spot, with the board reasoning that he had already faced the voters once.  In the fall of 2014, he was then elected by the voters to fill the remainder of Nancy Peterson’s term, but he had no opposition.

If elected, this would be his first full term and the first time he won a contested vote.  Incumbent Susan Lovenburg is seeking a third term, while challenger Bob Poppenga, who finished fourth in 2014, has announced as well.

“I am excited to announce my candidacy for the DJUSD Board of Trustees this November to continue my service on the Davis School Board,” Fernandes said in a press release.  “During my tenure as the President of the Davis School Board last year, I proudly led the newly elected school board into a culture of trust, and governance focused on improving the well-being of every child by doing things such as increasing school nurses and counselors.”

Alan Fernandes continued, “During my leadership of the Board, we also increased transparency and community outreach by establishing regular Board office hours and assigning each Trustee with liaison responsibilities for each school site and community group throughout the district.  As a member of the board governance team I am committed to the issues we have identified as priorities including closing the achievement gap, issues concerning equity, and strong fiscal responsibility.”

“I was appointed originally to fill a vacancy that was created when a trustee resigned from the Board regarding a matter concerning a conflict of interest,” Mr. Fernandes stated.  “Once appointed I immediately focused on improving the district’s policies on mediation and conflict of interest and am committed to continuing this work.  Because state law requires an election for an appointed position where over half the term remained, I stood for election in November of 2014 and ran un-opposed.”

He continued, “Having served just over 2 years on the Board, I believe there is still much work to be done relating to transparency, and a need to focus on issues concerning equity and improving our schools for the well-being of every child, irrespective of age, gender, or background.”

He added, “I look forward to a positive campaign, meeting more community members, and tackling challenges we face as a district toward the betterment of our public education system.”

Alan Fernandes will officially kick off his campaign and celebrate the start of the new school year on Sunday, August 28, from 5-7 pm at 431 Roos Street, Davis, California 95618.  The community is welcome to attend.

A partial and initial list of Alan’s endorsements include former California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, Assemblymember Bill Dodd, Yolo County Supervisors, former Davis School Board Members Jim Provenza and Don Saylor, Mayor Pro Tem Brett Lee, and Councilmembers Lucas Frerichs, Rochelle Swanson and Will Arnold.


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Breaking News DJUSD Elections School Board



  1. jeez, sorry pal…until you reinstate the GATE coordinator, Deanne Quinn, no such luck of any endorsement from any of the current or former GATE parents in this town for you….

    really, you have the nerve to run for reelection after the dog’s breakfast you and your cronies made of GATE….for starters, get rid of the stupid AIM crapola…..use the real term so that those who don’t have time to listen to all the dribble will at least know wtf you are dribbling about…

    Don and Delaine I am ashamed of you also…truly…..as a GATE parent, Don, you should know better…and Delaine, what can I say….do you really support the canning of Deann also….

    unreal…this town has truly gone to pot ….urghhhhhh

    PS> of course we have Dodd endorsing….. and it is no secret what I think of Dodd and why…

    Vote Mariko Yamada, a GATE parent, and likely soon grandparent, who truly gets it and won’t sell out for votes….jeez….

    PPS> I had some high hopes for this guy when he was “appointed” to fill a vacancy….have I been impressed, nah….

    1. As I recall Fernandes didn’t vote to fire Quinn. That was done by the Anti-gate majority of Lovenburg, Archer and Adams. Until that majority no longer remains Quinn can’t be re-hired.

  2. I think Alan has shown a thoughtful approach to GATE, tempered by his desire to have the board act in consensus. I watched the long debate leading up to the current changes, and he made a lot of effort to find areas of agreement. Unfortunately, the board majority is intransigent and seems to have the single focus of reducing the size of the program.

    But I have come to appreciate Alan’s approach on this issue. And, of course, GATE isn’t the only issue the school board deals with.

  3. thank you for all of the insights….I truly appreciate them..

    I barely kept up last year, so missed anything except the final results…

    stay tuned, as there is a lot going on behind the scenes right now….

    I change my view on Alan, and yet, with Lovenburg sill on the board, it will be very difficult to do some of the things which are truly needed in this town to help right the sinking ship…

    and, for those who don’t understand why I say and do what I do,…   GATE is only the tip of the iceberg….



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