Davis Downtown invites member businesses and the community to the January 25, 2017 Brown Bag meeting at River City Bank for an in-depth discussion about our City’s precarious fiscal condition.
As Mayor Robb Davis stated earlier this month, “We are not paying for the things that we’ve already purchased, and we are not paying for those things in adequate amounts to make sure they remain for the future.”
A sub-committee of the Finance and Budget Commission (Jeff Miller, Matt Williams and Bob Fung) built a clear, easy-to-understand computer model that shows the City’s current financial condition, as well as dynamically displaying realistic projections/scenarios of how decisions made in current time by the City affect the City’s future financial health over the next 20 years.
Entitled “Project Toto,” the model provides revealing, realistic projections of the city’s financial position based on actual financial numbers from the City’s budget and other city documents. The model and the forum illuminates the reality behind the curtain.
This Davis Downtown Brown Bag meeting will be held at River City Bank, 239 E Street, in downtown Davis, on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
Organized by Davis Downtown’s Visioning and Community Relations Committee, the Brown Bag meetings facilitate thought-provoking dialog regarding issues affecting Downtown Davis in a casual setting.
Participants are welcome to bring a lunch or purchase one at any downtown eatery. For more information, contact Davis Downtown Executive Director Stewart Savage at (530) 392-8324 or stewart@DavisDowntown.com.