by Esmeralda Mendoza
Inmate Jeremy Lee Deaton is suspected of possessing methamphetamine in the Yolo County Monroe Detention Center in Woodland. Two officers, Jason Whitehead and David Shepard, were asked to testify in court Friday afternoon.
Deputy Sheriff Jason Whitehead began his testimony by explaining how he made contact with Jeremy Deaton. Deputy Whitehead received a call that an inmate was found with drugs inside the jail.
Upon arrival, Dep. Whitehead made contact with Deputy Timmons, the person who initially caught Deaton redhanded.
Timmons told Dep. Whitehead that he heard laughing noises coming out of the laundry room. He found Deaton with tow other inmates, Mendoza, and Quarterman. Deaton tried to hide something in the clipboard he was holding. but Dep. Timmons was not fooled.
Deaton yelled, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s all mine.”
Dep. Whitehead used the NIK test to determine what the substance was and found it was 0.05g of methamphetamine.
Next, the second witness, Officer Shepard of the Woodland Police Department was called to the stand. Although he has no specific relation to the case or to Deaton, Officer Shepard was asked was a usable amount of drugs is.
Officer Shepard explained that a usable amount is any quantity that is enough to be used by someone as a controlled substance. For example, if it is enough to pack it into a pipe then it is a usable amount.
The court has set up an arraignment for Deaton on May 24.