Vanguard Co-Hosts: Checking Privilege – Yolo County Gets a Tim Wise Visit

Will The Justice System Ever Change?

(From Press Release) – Yolo county residents can spend a Friday evening with Tim Wise on July 26.

This livestream presentation is part of an effort to improve Yolo county’s criminal justice system. Yolo county’s criminal justice system/county DA ought to get an award for mirroring the Trump administration.

Both are led by White males with unchecked power, both have no regard for Latinos, both are psychopaths (Tulley, Joseph, State of Collusion, 2018) driven by a relentless hunger for power, both are hurting the social fabric of the community. The harm Trump has done in three years is hardly a drop in the bucket, it seems, in comparison to the thousands of Latinos placed in prison, in the last decade, directly by Bad Mood Reisig (N&R, Garvin, 2009). A decade of over-zealous aggressive prosecution – when will it change? Who attempts to slam a life sentence on a mentally disabled man for stealing a piece of cheese? Who else can make two candidates practically flee from town after their attempted opposition to the existing criminal justice system?

The doors at the Davis Senior Center open at 6:15 for a free partial viewing of the video, “White Like Me.”

The program starts at 7pm.

The presentation is brought to you by the Committee: YOLO WELCOMES TIM WISE, which is made up of the Yolo Democratic Party, Yolo ACLU, Latino Info Network, the Davis Vanguard & West Sacramento LULAC.

For more information, contact Maria Grijalva, 916 214 2961



Breaking News Letters and Brief Announcements



    1. Suggest ‘event announcements’ preclude comments, or limit them to things like, “great! plan to be there!”, as part of the announcement… would cut down on need for ‘moderation’…  just saying… perhaps that should be extended to all “press releases”(?)

    2. That makes sense.  I’ve never understood why comments are enabled for such announcements at all.

      I’ll just crack the same joke after the V writes the article about the event.

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