Driving Under the Influence Hit and Run Deal for 25 Days on Work Program

By Caroline Pierce

FRESNO – A woman driving under the influence reportedly collided with a fence and a residence, and then fled the scene with an alleged head injury, according to court testimony in the Fresno County Superior Courtroom late last week.

The defendant, Angela Ramon, was arrested after damaging a victim’s residence and fleeing the scene. Ramon was charged with a hit and run and a driving under the influence/DUI with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .19 percent, more than two times the legal limit.

On January 30, 2019, around 11 p.m., Ramon was observed speeding when she lost control of the car and jumped a curb, and, according to Deputy District Attorney Cameron Simoes, the defendant “ran through a wooden fence before finally colliding into the victim’s residence of the hit and run. Defendant then exited the driver’s side of the vehicle and fled on foot back to her house.”

The extent of the damage on the victim’s residence was unknown at the time of the hit and run, but was later identified as a damaged water pipe leading to leaking water and water damage to the residence, as well as damage to the east exterior wall of the residence.

Assistant Public Defender David Towle explained that, according to the defendant, she experienced confusion from an alleged head injury, which is why she fled the scene.

“While I understand it goes a bit into the merits which we are conceding, she did indicate to me that her intention was to return to the scene after she’d gotten medication for her head, but then officers arrived before she was able to do so. I would also just emphasize she has no other criminal record to my knowledge,” said Towle.

During this arraignment hearing, DDA Simoes told the court that “the People would ask for 30 days based on the hit and run and the incredibly high BAC” on the Adult Offender Work Program.

Towle said his understanding was then it would be a maximum of 20 days.

Ramon pleaded no contest, resulting in 180 days in Fresno County jail, suspended, with 25 days on the Adult Offender Work Program.

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