By Alan Pryor
This endorsement cites their strong and unequivocal opposition to Measure B which seeks voter approval for the annexation of 200 acres of prime farmland for the proposed DISC mixed use industrial/business park on the outskirts of Davis and their robust positions on a host of other local environmental issues consistent with established Sierra Club policies.
The endorsement of these candidates follows a thorough review of candidate answers to an extensive questionnaire completed by all of the City Council candidates. While the current Sierra Club endorsement is exclusive to Mr. Walsh and Ms. Fortune, we do thank the other City Council candidates for participation in the process and note that many were generally consistent in their overall support of other environmental initiatives in the City that are important to and supported by the Club. These include, among others:
(1) Transition to pesticide-free parks, green belts, and bike paths in Davis or use of only certified-organic pesticides,
(2) Opposition to community water fluoridation,
(3) Reasonable restrictions on wood-burning,
(4) Increase in minimum renewable energy use to achieve true carbon neutrality or full mitigation of carbon emissions in all new developments,
(5) Renewal of Measure J/R (on the current ballot as Measure D), and
(6) Improved bicycle infrastructure in the City.
The full questionnaire and all of the candidates’ responses will be soon posted for viewing on the Yolano Group’s website at https://www.sierraclub.org/mother-lode/yolano.
This endorsement followed an exhaustive evaluation process by the local Sierra Club Yolano Group with further review by the Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter Political and Executive Committees, and the Sierra Club Northern California Candidate Review Committee
The Sierra Club is a grassroots national organization with 3.8 million members that works to advance climate solutions and ensure that everyone has access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment.
About Colin Walsh and Kelsey Fortune:
Colin Walsh – “I believe in protecting the environment and acting with urgency to meet Davis’ carbon neutrality goal, I also believe in preserving precious farm land, that new developments must benefit the community, and the need for a more robust affordable housing program”,
Kelsey Fortune – “I decided to run for City Council to better serve my own community. I’m focused on listening to the community and creating transparent, communicative government with creative solutions to public safety, housing, and transportation while decreasing our environmental impact.”
About Measure B – Measure B is a vote to allow the annexation of approximately 200-acres of Prime farmland on the northeast periphery of the City and the development of an industrial/business center along with an 850-unit housing development. The project site is now farmed and serves as foraging habitat for numerous Special Status Species including Burrowing Owls, Swainson’s Hawks, and White-Tailed Kites.
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Although I already knew what Colin’s position was, I was pleasantly surprised when Kelsey came out in opposition to DISC.
Reading the Vanguard can give one the (incorrect) perception that younger people (in particular) are quite concerned about climate change (and local contributions to it), but are somehow able to overlook the 83 million pounds of CO2 that DISC would generate each year.
Kelsey helps put that misconception (and internally-conflicting position) to rest, even as others continue to push it.