Returns as of Sunday (11/8) at 8 am
Compiled by Alan Hirsch from county elections data
Historical Note: In 2016 In the City, Hillary got 82%, Trump 11.5% Trump held his own but 2/3 of 3rd party vote shifted to Biden
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We’re almost as blue as the Philly mail in vote.
Cheese steak anyone?
A grateful shout out to my part of town, OED which along with central Davis and downtown were the bluest of blue at 91%, and to Alan for compiling the results for us.
“Being Blue” isn’t intrinsically good, or bad… a lot of non-blues/non reds had a lot to do with the outcomes… it is the convinctions, ethics, moral judgements that count… those do not necessarily follow ‘red/blue’ trajectories… it is not ‘dichotomist’… many nuances… as an NPP, had problems with the Biden/Harris ticket… more problems with the Trump/Pence ticket… chose the lesser of two sub-optimal choices… many others, across the political spectrum, did the same…
It would be foolish, and the azimuth of hubris, to parse the election as “red/blue”… just saying…
And, remember that Demos are losing %-age registrations to NPP… folk who are increasingly fed up with hegemony… in CA, “reds” have seen a dramatic shift in the last decade ( Reps are now the 3rd largest ‘party’)… the “blues” are slowly, consistently, following suit…
What this tells me is that I’m in the top 98th percentile of intelligence in my district. No wonder I can’t find anyone to have an intelligent conversation about politics with. Of course, as older people know, it used to be we could live side-by-side with people of different political views and in most cases discuss without being disagreeable. Those days are long gone, replaced with vitriol, anger and demonization.
I am Satan 😐
WHO are YOU!
Howie Hawkins’ grandma. Nice to meet you, Mr. Beetljuice.