The following resolution was passed by the County Board of Education on a 5-0 on January 15, 2021.
WHEREAS, on January 6, 2021, our nation witnessed terrorism, insurrection and violence in the U.S. Capitol, spreading terror and causing destruction, injury, and death; and
WHEREAS, it was horrific to witness violence and domestic terrorism broadcast live around the globe;
WHEREAS, the Yolo County Office of Education denounces racism, white supremacy, and the use of violence and actions that are antithetical to the formation of a more perfect union; and
WHEREAS, public education has the unique responsibility of teaching what it means to be an American in this multi-cultural country, the history of these United States, and empowering students with ways to engage in the democratic process; and
WHEREAS, structural inequities fostered by past policies and beliefs rooted in racism, have affected the well-being, and in many cases, the fair access to all that this great nation offers to all students and families including those of color – Black, Native, Latino; Asian-American; and
WHEREAS, the Yolo County Office of Education has as its fundamental reason for existence the responsibility to teach the goals of a democratic society to prepare people to be responsible citizens, improve social and educational conditions, promote equity and cultural unity; and
WHEREAS, a robust Civic Education program interwoven and supported by an equally robust and authentic Ethnic Studies curriculum, along with a quality curriculum of science, mathematics, and language arts will support these goals of a free democratic society; and
WHEREAS, the Yolo County Board of Education and the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools reaffirm their oaths of elective office to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and
WHEREAS, the modeling of responsible citizenship cannot be understated and includes leading with integrity, collaboration, ethics, respect and non-violence;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Yolo County Office of Education hereby condemns violent, destructive and treasonous acts against the United States of America.
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