Domestic Violence Fight Leaves Suspect with 4-Month Felony Sentence, and Victim in Fear for Her Safety

By Avalon Amaral

SACRAMENTO – A violent argument between romantic partners left one with a felony conviction and a sentence of 120 days in jail—and the other fearing for her personal and public safety.

College student Younes Khan pleaded guilty here in Sacramento County Superior Court after an altercation that occurred on Jan. 2 of this year. He was charged with felony domestic violence assault against his former dating partner, inflicting traumatic injuries.

Charging documents state that the incident erupted when Khan became upset with his former partner and, as tensions rose, he pulled her off the bed she was on. Khan proceeded to pull the victim across the room and smashed her head into a wall.

The victim then fell onto the bathroom floor while Khan began to choke her. This incident resulted in bruising on the victim’s back and arms.

Although the victim was not present in the courtroom, Deputy District Attorney Anissa Glalata conveyed the worries and concerns surrounding the victim by providing the victim impact statement to the court.

In that statement, the victim said she remains unhopeful for the rehabilitation of Khan, noting because the defendant has a previous domestic violence charge and has dual citizenship in Jordan, she continues to be concerned for the safety of herself and others.

Judge Michael Bowman found Khan guilty of felony domestic violence, and sentenced him to 120 days in jail—with good time, he has 52 days left to do after being in custody for about 28 days. He then has to attend a batterers program and will be on searchable probation for four years.

Avalon Amaral, originally from Livermore, CA, is a junior at UC Davis. She is pursuing a degree in Sociology, Emphasizing in Law and Society, and minoring in Psychology.

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