Man Uses Colorful Language to Address Court; Doctors Decide He’s Not Competent to Stand Trial

By Dario McCarty

WOODLAND, CA — Terrance Anthony Miles—who became outraged at both his defense attorney and the presiding judge last month, demanding that he be allowed to fire his defense attorney—was determined not to be competent to stand trial with court-appointed lawyers here Aug. 12 in Yolo County Superior Court. 

His next court date is Aug. 26, when it’ll be determined where he’ll be placed until he is competent to stand trial.

Miles is facing three alleged felony charges of criminal threats, vandalism, and resisting the arrest of a peace officer. 

However, when Miles was brought into the courtroom last month, and the proceedings were about to begin, Miles began to state that he wanted to fire his lawyer. “Excuse me your Honor,” said Miles, addressing Judge David W. Reed, “I want a new lawyer. She’s not listening to me.”

As Miles was speaking, Judge Reed was attempting to interject to tell him to stop speaking several times.

But Miles kept on. “I don’t mean to interrupt,” continued Miles, “But she won’t convey that to you. She won’t say it to you. And I just want a new lawyer, that’s all.”

Judge Reed, flustered, said, “Sir, when I say stop, I expect everyone, including you, to stop.”

Evidently, Miles felt slighted by this, as he replied, “Okay, A**hole.”

It was at this point that Judge Reed ordered the bailiff to escort Miles out of the courtroom, stating that they would handle his case after the court’s recess. As he was escorted out, Miles continued to state that he wanted a new lawyer, calling out, “I want a new lawyer, a**holes. It’s my Sixth Amendment right.”

In response to this, Judge Reed stated that if the defendant did not listen to him, “we won’t be doing anything today, sir.”

After the recess, at the last hearing of the court’s time slot, Judge Reed recalled Miles’ case. When Miles reentered the courtroom, he was still upset, and began asking to be sent back to his cell. “I want to be on an 11 o’clock bus back to my cell,” said Miles.

“You want to skip your preliminary hearing later today?” said Judge Reed.

When Miles’ defense attorney began to respond to affirm that was the case, Miles interrupted. “I can speak for myself. Yes, Adolf, I do,” he said, referring to Judge Reed, using Hitler’s first name. 

“Sir,” said Judge Reed in response, “If you’re going to be disrespectful, I’m going to remove you from the courtroom. Is that what you want? I think you know better than that, don’t you?”

Miles took great offense to this comment in particular. “Don’t talk to me like that, saying ‘I know better.’ You might as well say n*****” said Miles.

At this point, Miles’ defense attorney stated that it would be best for them to allow Miles to return to his cell, and as such continue the time waiver to the next available court date.

As his defense attorney continued on to ask that they set a return date, Miles stated to the judge, “Let’s get it clear, I’m not going to kiss your a**. Let’s get it understood, Fuhrer. If you respect me, I’ll respect you but…”

Judge Reed cut off Miles’ tirade, ordering him to be escorted from the courtroom. “Your time to speak is over, and I don’t want to hear another word from you.”

As the bailiff escorted Miles from the courtroom, he had two final words for Judge Reed: “F*** you.”


  • Dario McCarty

    Dario is a rising junior at UC Berkeley studying Political Economy and English who is passionate about criminal justice reform.

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