By Peter Eibert
FRESNO, CA – Defendant Alfonso Regino Ramirez, in Fresno County Superior Court for a third driving under the influence offense in the past six years this week, was sent to jail without bail by Judge William Terrence on the grounds that he was a “a danger to public safety and a danger to [him]self.”
Ramirez was charged with a DUI and violating his probation from his previous DUIs. Ramirez’s two previous DUIs were in 2015 and 2018. In both of the previous cases, Ramirez’s blood alcohol content (BAC) was above .185 percent, more than double the legal limit of 0.08 percent.
In the current case, Ramirez’s BAC was greater than three times that of the legal limit, and Ramirez crashed into a brick wall.
Deputy District Attorney Jena Lam argued that Ramirez should not be released and that bail should, at the very least, be set at a substantial amount.
Lam emphasized the threat that Ramirez posed to the community by highlighting Ramirez’s reckless behavior, including his dangerously high BAC and his collision with a brick wall.
Assistant Public Defender Joshua Wagner requested that Ramirez remain out of custody.
Regarding Ramirez’s habitual drinking and driving, Wagner contended that “SCRAM would appropriately resolve that problem.”
A SCRAM bracelet is “like a breathalyzer for the ankle,” which tests the wearer’s perspiration for alcohol every 30 minutes to ensure that a defendant complies with the court’s alcohol consumption orders.
Wagner further emphasized Ramirez’s willingness to improve his alcohol problem, mentioning that Ramirez would “do AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] to stay out of custody.”
However, Judge Terrence was unconvinced.
Judge Terrence noted how previously, after Ramirez’s last two DUIs, “two judicial officers ordered [Ramirez] to not operate a motor vehicle with any alcohol in his system,” yet he had failed to follow both orders on multiple occasions.
Judge Terrence emphasized that Ramirez was driving with “more than three times the legal amount of alcohol in his system” and that the most recent DUI “involved a collision,” all while on probation for previous DUIs.
Judge Terrence subsequently remanded Ramirez without bail, simultaneously revoking probation in the previous two cases, also without bail. While sternly addressing Ramirez to further justify his decision, Judge Terrence held that “it’s clear you can’t follow the orders of the court.”
A jury trial is scheduled for Aug. 26.