Vanguard Social Justice Certificate Program – (New Ticketing Page)

By Vanguard Staff

SACRAMENTO, CA – Vanguard Media Group announced today the launch of a new certificate program that includes a 10-course webinar series to train registrants about topics such as mass incarceration, racial equity, diversity and community organizing.

Announcements about guest speakers will follow and the inaugural training course is set to begin on Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Registrants can choose courses a-la-carte, or they can sign up for the entire 10-week course, with the option to earn a certificate in Social Justice Training.

Founder and CEO of Vanguard Media Group, David Greenwald, expressed his excitement about the launch of this certificate program.

“I have always wanted to teach a course on social justice. For the first time the Vanguard offers a first-hand look at the movement for social justice, racial equality, and criminal justice reform. It’s a cutting edge course with amazing speakers,” he said.

Elizabeth Kim, board member of the Vanguard Media Group, professor of social justice studies at American River College, and creator of the program also expressed the need for such an educational program to be offered to the community.

“In the aftermath of the racial reckoning following the George Floyd protests, it is important that the public is sufficiently trained on what it means to be an ally and to learn social justice concepts that are not readily available in existing education curriculum,” Kim said.

The certificate program, priced at various levels for students, attorneys, and the general public, includes an economic hardship scholarship option for those who are impacted by COVID-19, health, undocumented immigration, homelessness, former incarceration, domestic violence, and systemic oppression and discrimination of any kind.

“There are many training courses that are offered by various institutions but it is important that the lessons come from actual subject matter experts and this program provides just that” said Esteban Nuñez, director of public policy at the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, and a featured guest instructor for the program, pointing to the importance of reliability of such programs during a time social justice is viewed by many as a trend.

Reserve your spot – here



Breaking News Everyday Injustice



  1. The certificate program, priced at various levels for students, attorneys, and the general public

    Who pays the most, attorneys or the general public?  What is the certificate for . . . framing?  Can troublemakers take the course?  If so . . . is it a discussion including dissension, or is it someone talking *at* you, telling you what is the real?  I have a mind to take this, certificate-seeking-free, challenging the concepts.  Oooooooo . . . what fun!

    1. I’ll donate $50 for Alan Miller to take one course of this. Anyone else want to chip in so he can take the full course offering? We’ll expect a full written report.

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