By David M. Greenwald
Executive Editor
Oakland, CA – A campaign email warned that “dirty money” has arrived in Alameda County and “the attacks have started.”
“THEY ARE BACK… and they are scared. Corporations, Police Unions and Anti-Reform Prosecutors are working together to try to defeat our campaign for justice. They know we will transform our criminal justice system, and they know I will hold them accountable under the law,” Price warned her supporters.
The piece cites two PACs that have emerged to run “hit pieces” on the Price campaign.
Price said, “They are using spikes in crime (ironically happening on the watch of the current DA and my opponent) to create fear across Alameda County.
“Don’t fall for it,” Price continues, pointing out, “Research shows public safety actually increases under progressive DA policies.”
The Price campaign cites two PACS: United Latino Vote PAC and Golden State Communities Project, that they believe “are unleashing $100,000 in advertising to maintain the status quo.
“BEWARE who is FUNDING them… Big Oil, Police Unions and Prosecutors set on mass incarceration …,” said Price.
Golden State Communities Project is “chaired by ardent anti-reformers.” They have been funding recall campaigns against progressive DAs across California.
Still, the campaign says the largest donation to GSCP recently came from Alameda County’s own Fremont Police Association (FPA).
Price campaign notes, “The FPA has a history of fighting against criminal justice reform. In fact, current DA O’Malley was involved in a political scandal in 2018 with the Fremont POA for accepting a $10,000 contribution while she was supposedly investigating the union president for shooting 16-year-old Elena Mondragon.”
Recently, a jury awarded $21 million to the family in a wrongful death lawsuit against the City of Fremont.
Price said, “Civil rights attorneys Adante Pointer, Patrick Buelna and Melissa Nold representing Elena’s family have all endorsed me for DA—because they know I will hold police accountable.”
Also involved is the United Latinos Vote PAC.
The Price campaign warns, “Known for taking money from Big Oil and opposing the Sierra Club and pollution reforms, it is no surprise this PAC would oppose our campaign.”
Said Price, “We were recently endorsed by the Green Party and I have successfully held corporations accountable for their illegal actions and misconduct. My opponent has NO EXPERIENCE in fighting corporate greed. In fact his campaign is open to corporate donations.”
In the June primary, the ULV spent large amounts to support defeated Alameda County Sheriff Greg Ahern. Despite the name “United Latinos,” the campaign warned “this PAC opposed Sheriff Elect Yesenia Sanchez, the first Latina Sheriff in Alameda County. Now, in the general election, ULV changed their mission from supporting Sheriff Greg Ahern to supporting our opponent.
“Next to big oil polluters, the biggest donations to ULV come from the Oakland Police Officers Association (OPOA) and the current DA O’Malley,” the campaign continued. “But the biggest funders of the attacks against our campaign are coming from within the DA’s office itself…”
The campaign notes, “The Alameda County Prosecutors’ Association has donated more than $125,000 to support our opponent … and its individual members have donated more than $75,000 to his campaign.”
Price adds, “It is clear they fear being held accountable for the many miscarriages of justice that have plagued the DA’s office in the last decade . . . from using County resources for political activities, illegally coordinating with police unions, using perjured testimony by police officers, hiding exculpatory evidence, or using threats of deportation to get plea deals or witness statements . . . the list is endless.”