Victim Expresses Sympathy and Advocates for Accused – Judge Refuses to Release Man

By Wayne Chan

WOODLAND, CA— In Yolo County Superior Court last week, the alleged victim of assault expressed her sympathy for the accused and advocated for his no bail release.

It did not sway the judge.

The accused is charged with one felony count of assault by force likely to produce great bodily injury, one felony count of inflicting corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant, and one felony count of false imprisonment with force or violence. He is also facing an enhancement from a prior felony conviction.

Deputy Public Defender James Bradford, representing the accused, on his behalf pleaded not guilty and denied the enhancement.

PD Bradford, arguing for pretrial release on his client’s own recognizance, informed Judge David W. Reed the victim would like to address the court.

The victim stated, “I would like to go with no prosecution. I believe this individual is capable of change. I believe deep down in my heart that this is a lesson for him. This is an awakening for him that it is not right for him to do what he did. I am fully aware of what was done to me, and I am sure he is fully aware of what he did.

“I do believe he is capable of change,” she added, “(and) he is capable of breaking that cycle that he had sadly and unfortunately went through with his parents and in which I would not like my son to go through.

“I was changed in so many ways when I had my son, and I know that this individual, having that responsibility as well to care for his child, … can change in so many ways and create himself into a way better person— not for his son, but for himself in general,” she argued.

She said her son was four months old after the judge asked

However, the judge explained “they [prosecution] have heard what you said, and whether that affects their decision to prosecute is something they have to decide, but you do not have the authority to make the decision on that.

“I appreciate you telling us how you feel about it, and I hope you are right,” Judge Reed added.

Deputy District Attorney Deanna Hays interjected, “I can let the court know also she didn’t ask for a no harassing contact and she had indicated she is not opposed to OR.”

Judge Reed asked about the victim’s living situation and whether the accused would live with her if released.

The victim said she lives with her parents, and the accused would no longer live with them, adding, “If he was to be released I know this takes time both for him to work on himself and as well as myself to work on my space, my time, and to focus on my child.”

DPD Bradford added that the accused would stay with his mother in Woodland, where he has lived all his life. He has no record of criminal history.

Judge Reed asked DDA Hays for her input on OR.

DDA Hays responded, “Our position is based on the complaint that this is a violent attack, so we do have public safety concerns. I’ll submit.”

Judge Reed stated that “based on the fact that there was a bail enhancement granted, and the court has very limited information, the court is finding that release on OR, or supervised OR is not proper at this time…the court will order an SOR report.”

Judge Reed set bail at $150,000. The accused is set to return on Oct. 4 to address the bail situation.


  • Wayne Chan

    Wayne Chan is a 4th year philosophy student at University at California, Davis. He has a passion for reading and writing. After graduation, he wishes to pursue a career in law.

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