Iowa Progressive DA Kimberly Graham Thanks Supporters after Election Win, Promises Fight for Criminal Justice Reform

Pc: Kimberly Graham via

By Leslie Acevedo & Talia Kruger

POLK COUNTY, IA – Kimberly Graham was elected this week as Polk County, Iowa District Attorney, the newest elected in 30 years, thanking Twitter followers and promising to follow through on the progressive criminal justice reform platform she ran on during the campaign.

On a five-tweet thread, Graham noted, “I’m proud of what we accomplished, moving the conversation forward in Polk County on criminal justice reform.”

Graham added she has “had months of conversations, some of them lasting many hours, with many stakeholders: from immigrant groups to activists to victim advocates to folks in law enforcement, to other elected officials and with folks we met knocking thousands of doors, meeting people where they are.”

In light of these conversations, she stated the “challenging and worthy work ahead is that of bringing meaningful positive change to Polk County.” 

Graham believes that, despite challenges and oppositions they might face, “it’s possible to create improvements to our justice system that we all want to see.” 

She argued these improvements won’t come easy: “It will take the entire community’s participation, not just mine. There will be obstacles and challenges not within our control, but we will and must keep working for the ‘more perfect union’ we seek.”

She ended the thread with a personal call to action, maintaining, “I understand you’ve placed your trust in me, to keep us as safe as I can, and to create a more equitable justice system, and I’ll work every day to be worthy of that trust…Onward To Justice For All.”

About The Author

Leslie Acevedo is a senior undergraduate student at California State University, Long Beach, majoring in Criminology/Criminal Justice. She intends to pursue a Master's Degree in Forensic Science or Criminal Justice. She aspires to become a forensic investigator.

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