National Education Association Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold Affirmative Action in Higher Education Admissions Decisions

By Tommy Nguyen

WASHINGTON, DC – Early this week, the U.S, Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina, dealing with affirmative action,

The court will decide whether to overrule decades of precedent allowing public and private universities to consider race as a limited factor among many in making admissions decisions.

The National Education Association filed an amicus brief in the cases, arguing that the court should uphold inclusive admissions.

The NEA—the nation’s largest labor union, representing more than three million individuals—noted for more than four decades, colleges and universities have been able to consider an applicant’s race as one of many factors, in the context of a holistic admissions process with the purpose of pursuing diversity within the student body for educational benefits.

“For too long, politicians have been using color-coded barriers to prevent Black, brown, and indigenous people from accessing the opportunities we all deserve and seek to achieve our dreams,” NEA President Becky Pringle said.

Pringle added, “Recent events demonstrate that racism and discrimination are not artifacts of American history but persist in every aspect of our society, including our schools, colleges, and universities.”

“When we ensure the many talents and experiences of students of color aren’t overlooked in admissions processes that tend to be biased against them, we create schools, a country, and a future that includes us all,” Pringle argued.

The court will deliver its opinion in the two cases by June 2023.

About The Author

Tommy is a sophomore majoring in Economics and minoring in Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. He is an international student from Vietnam and fueled with the frustration agaisnt flawed justice system that lets down the minority. He is aspired to become a criminal justice attorney and will hopefully attend law school in 2025.

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