Philly’s District Attorney’s Office Fact Checks Pennsylvania’s House GOP after Attempt to Impeach DA Larry Krasner

Larry Krasner – Philadelphia DA

By Jack Sandmeyer and Naya Wiezel

PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Philadelphia’s District Attorney’s Office released a statement early this week charging Pennsylvania House Republicans were attempting a final “Hail Mary,” following an attempt to remove Philly District Attorney Larry Krasner from office.

After GOP candidate Doug Mastriano lost Nov. 8, the DA’s office stated that the GOP is “more committed to gutting democracy than working for the people of the Commonwealth.”

They also stated “that fact-free fearmongering about crime is no substitute for real solutions to reduce the supply of guns into our communities and prevent violence,” They argue that in doing this, PA House Republicans are proving that they do not want to govern responsibly.

The press release illustrated many points where the Philadelphia DA’s Office has prosecuted violent crimes and protected the Constitution, despite what the GOP claims.

Out of all trial-ready fatal shooting cases, 83 percent result in conviction, while 87 percent of homicides result in conviction, and 79 percent of non-fatal shooting cases result in conviction, said the DA.

Additionally, after in-depth review by ADAs, nearly every homicide and non-fatal shooting cases are charged by the DA’s office, following arrest, said the statement, adding there are a lot of open cases still awaiting trial, as a result of a backup due to the pandemic.

Out of all homicide cases that were opened by the DAO from January 2017 to September 18, 2022, 96 percent of them were held for trial and made it past preliminary hearings, while 99 percent of non-fatal shooting cases made it to trial, the DA Office stated.

The report also added violent crime was at an all-time low in Philadelphia, in comparison to the 1990s. However, the DAO charged media coverage distorts this fact and prevents possible solutions, noting, since last year, the homicide rate in Philadelphia was reduced five percent.

The statement points out the irony of conservative politicians scrutinizing the presence of crime within major urban areas while ignoring the increases in gun violence of their own jurisdictions, reporting “eight of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.”

The Philly DA Office maintains the actions of conservative politicians have continually gone against public safety and beneficial gun control, noting the House Republicans’ unanimous rejection of proposed Amendment 5217 which was intended to expand the House Committee’s ability to review and recommend solutions to rising gun violence in Pennsylvania.

The DA’s office statement also notes conservative PA lawmakers have refused to consider limitations on gun control that would protect the state’s commonwealth. Rejected bills include requiring background checks on all gun sales and mandating safe storage of firearms.

“Opposition to the PA House GOP’s nakedly politicized attempt to impeach DA Krasner,” said the DA’s office, “is broad, nonpartisan, and diverse.”

The DAO said it is filing a lawsuit against the GOP, as a result of the impeachment attempt. The lawsuit and related documents can be found here:


  • Naya Wiezel

    Naya Wiezel is a 3rd year undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in Political Science with a minor in Public Affairs. She has a passion for political activism and is a part of social justice groups on campus. She plans on attending law school after completing her undergraduate studies and hopes to go into entertainment law.

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