VANGUARD INCARCERATED PRESS: Ismael ‘Izzy’ García Santillanes

Photo by SHTTEFAN on Unsplash
Photo by SHTTEFAN on Unsplash

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Poems by Ismael “Izzy” García Santillanes

love cannot fill the caesuras creased on my skin

nor make me forget the knife used to parse poetry

from your breath or how i spent 10464 days

testifying to the rattling metal gate darkness to each

of the small bricks in a cell too small for prayers so

i learned poetry to abbreviate my shame to hide in

figures of speech i metaphored through vents and

personified above the prison yard above the flood

lights’ yellow tint transcended enjambed and flinted

wings rolling and laughing at icarus for having done

this when the sun would edit his lines and not the

moon’s woo but always the chremamorphistic brick

beating its dust inside my chest harder and faster

until i grasped for breath and awoke still there still

searching for a line to hide my name

time and the lemon

time will tell the lemon in a wooden bowl when to rot

the imperative to yield its breath to knife its own stomach

time will tell me when to smell the decay

to lift it roll it over to see the black and green wound

prisoner called i-80

Sep 08, 2012 · CARSON CITY – A deputy coroner in Carson City said foul play is not suspected in the death of highway sniper Christopher Merritt, whose body was found in his prison cell Aug. 23 [Las Vegas Journal Review]

no one knew you would hang yourself no one cared but a few knew determination petechiae

disheveled red beard tufts of brown hair quaking muscles like the pigs you slaughtered one night

all two hundred of them .22 round to the brain exploding like the mailboxes you homemade

bombed on your unplanned road trip from nebraska to nevada to harm yourself then there was

the store clerk you chained to the gas station’s toilet her eyes if opened askance we talked about

how people under control of a madman tightly close their eyes at his coming but you only

needed gas and food a couple of orange crush how you didn’t want the chain you found lying at

the station to cut off circulation little considerations you could not at the end afford as you put to

task what a native brother had taught you about knots as you architected electric cord to tighten

as it pulled your feet up and behind to keep from touching the cell’s floor as your head engorged

with the last of life as you swung and every empty feeling filled with freedom

i get tired of being the victim in my dreams but every night i

wake up startled by things not real except my sense of hell screaming without making a sound

begging without pitch from trachea a windpipe without even the slightest dissonance wordless as

the cool sheets i fling to one side as if my whole body has to breathe because apnea is what

happens when i dream of hell because breathing in hell is useless you won’t die without

breathing nobody in hell dies they just keep trying to remember a word no mouth can whisper

because tongues are the first the devils take and it takes a while to realize the lungs no longer

push and pull those longed-for molecules of friction of vibration of viscous vowels or the teeth of

consonants someone might have throated as contraband i wake up gasping to suck in what life

sounds like and my wife asks were you dreaming and all i say is



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