Man Gets Last Laugh and $50,000 after Arrest for ‘Improper Use of Hand Signal’ When He Gestured with ‘Middle Finger’ at Troopers

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By The Vanguard

DOVER, DE – A man here who warned drivers about a Delaware State Police speed trap, and was arrested for it in March 2022, has pocketed $50,000 after filing a civil rights lawsuit, according to Delaware Online.

The news service did add “Guessford raised a middle finger at troopers while driving away from an initial encounter,” and then was stopped and cited for “improper use of a hand signal.” The charge was later dropped.

A judgment was entered Friday in favor of Jonathan Guessford, 54, who said police “unlawfully prevented him from engaging in peaceful protest by standing on the roadside and holding up a small cardboard sign reading ‘Radar Ahead,’” said Delaware Online, noting the incident was “captured on cellphone videos taken by Guessford and on dashboard cameras in the vehicles of Cpl. Stephen Douglas, Trooper Nicholas Gallo and Master Cpl. Raiford Box.”

According to DelawareOnline, police dashcam audio shows state troopers “laughing and giggling at the notion of citing Guessford for using an improper hand turn signal because of the obscene gesture,” noting, ‘He wasn’t making a turn.’

“The cellphone video shows troopers approaching Guessford, who was standing in a grassy area next to the shoulder of Route 13 north of Dover. Douglas told Guessford that he was ‘disrupting traffic,’ while Gallo, based on a witness report, said Guessford was ‘jumping into traffic,’” said DelawareOnline.

“You are a liar,” Guessford told Gallo. “I’m on the side of the road, legally parked, with a sign which is protected by the First Amendment,” according to the story, that adds Dashcam video shows Douglas “twice lunging at Guessford to prevent him from raising his sign. Gallo then ripped it from his hands and tore it up.”

“Could you stop playing in traffic now?” Gallo sarcastically asked Guessford.

“As Guessford drove away, he made an obscene hand gesture at the troopers. Dashcam video shows Douglas racing after him at speeds of more than 100 miles per hour in a 55-mph zone, followed closely by Gallo and Box,” wrote DelawareOnline.

 “Take it to court. That’s what I want you to do,” Box replied after Guessford told troopers he was going to take legal action. Box also threatened to charge Guessford with resisting arrest.

“We’re going to take you in. We’re going to tow the car, and we’ll call social services for the kid,” Box said, referring to Guessford’s young son, who was with Guessford and witnessed his profanity-laden tirade against the officers. “It’s not a threat; it’s a promise,” Box added, according to DelawareOnline, which wrote:

“Box’s dashcam audio also captures his subsequent phone call with a supervisor, Lt. Christopher Popp, in which Box acknowledges that citing Guessford for his hand gesture is ’pushing it.’

“‘You can’t do that,’ Popp tells Box. ‘That will be dropped.’

“’Yeah, it’s gonna get dropped,’ Box replies. ‘I told (Douglas) it’s definitely going to get thrown out. … I said, ‘Ah, that’s not really going to fly, buddy.’

“Douglas is heard saying that even if the charge would be dropped, it at least ‘inconvenienced’ Guessford,” who apparently got the last laugh, and $50,000.



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