Copyright: Copyright (C) Andrey Popov
By David M. Greenwald
Executive Editor
Davis, CA – In response to Vanguard articles and a community event on Tuesday, Beth Bourne posted a response that apparently alarmed DJUSD officials.
In particular was her comment on Facebook, “I’ve also included the names of the 900 plus people in this town who believe it’s okay to tell children that their biological reality means nothing.”
She warned, “DJUSD counselors and teachers to be listed tomorrow.”
The Vanguard learned on Thursday, that DJUSD served Bourne with a Temporary Restraining Order on Wednesday.
District officials would not comment or confirm. However, the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office, on Thursday, confirmed with the Vanguard that Bourne was served with the restraining order.
The Vanguard, accessing Yolo County Court records, was then able to see that a case was opened on October 4, prior to the events of this week.
On October 11, the court notes a proof of service: “Served Beth Bourne in person with exhibit notice of hearing order granting petitioners motion to file documents petition for workplace violence restraining order response to petition for workplace violence restraining order TRO on 10/11/2023.”
The motion was filed under seal, to protect the names of district employees.
The district did not comment on the contents or reason for the restraining order. However, Bourne has been the head of the local chapter of Moms for Liberty and has consistently argued with respect to parental rights to notification with respect to transgender issues.
It was an event in late August at the Davis Library, on trans-athletes, that led to escalating tensions in Davis. A Davis librarian shut down the event which led to at least six known threats to the library as well as DJUSD facilities.
Some of the threats specifically listed district employees and clearly the district is concerned about the future safety of teachers and employees.
While Bourne has never been directly linked to the bomb threats, local officials have been concerned for sometime with the incendiary nature of some of her social media posts.
In September, Davis Police Chief Darren Pytel warned, “Although there is currently no evidence pointing to any involvement between local members and the threats, the correlation between the two cannot be ignored as part of the overall criminal investigations.”
Chief Pytel specifically singled out social media posts where individuals were essentially gaslighted.
He warned of “some of the local social media postings affecting the community that may constitute criminal doxing (threats or harassing communication via communications including social media).”
The matter will now go before Judge David Rosenberg, on October 25, for an “Order to Show Cause Pre-Disposition.” Rosenberg, a former Mayor and County Supervisor, announced this week he is retiring after more than two decades on the bench.
The Vanguard will have additional information as it becomes available.
All opposition must be silenced.
I will read your blog post more closely later today but I wish the school district could be transparent with parents that kids are being socially transitioned in school without notifying parents if teacher thinks they are unsafe.
The school district should also post on their website the radical gender ideology curriculum taught in science and Health from 5th through 12th.
In a nutshell this is how the Moms for Liberty and their Republican allies operate. This is proof positive that they are obviously authoritarian. Their social media posts are sordid and dox anyone that gets in their hateful way. They have become very clever in bringing the heat, but when the least bit of heat is directed their way, they immediately turn around a play the innocent victim. This very much reminds of a man I used to know. The real facts demonstrate that they are the disgusting perpetrators and the real victims represent the community at large.
This restraining order is in effect a gag order. A gag order recently had to be placed on Donald Trump. Trump and the Moms for Liberty are all Republicans which isn’t coincidence. They operate in the same vile manners.
The restraining order is not a gag order. We don’t actually know what it entails, but it is probably more along the lines of keep off DJUSD property and possibly a no contact order.
Since this isn’t technically a gag order, the Moms for Liberty are still free to dox anyone that gets in their way.
That’s the part we don’t know. She could be enjoined from mentioning district personnel, for example which would include Doxing. Of course, Moms for Liberty isn’t part of the restraining order.
Let’s be clear about what Moms for Liberty thinks is “radical gender ideology.”
What they mean by this hyperbole is the simple fact that public schools respect their students enough to acknowledge that gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are not necessarily DETERMINED by our biological sex organs. Essentially, Moms for Liberty want the schools (and the rest of us) to send gay and trans people back into the closet because Moms for Liberty has decided that our subjective experiences of our own bodies and our own personal identities are wrong in the eyes of God.
David, what do you think of the social contagion phenomenon around trans identifying kids in Davis?
for example:
75% of the kids in a Davis theater group are “queer” and/or “trans-non-binary”
5 kids in one 6th grade classroom in Davis
Multiple families with two siblings identifying as trans in Davis
I also know of at least 4 families in Davis where both the mother and child identify as trans/genderqueer.
I’m happy to share receipts with anyone off line – and check my Facebook posts at Beth Young Bourne
Just to let people know, by “receipts” she actually means screen-shots of people’s social media posts.
David, have you ever posted screen-shots of other people’s social media posts?
The point was that she referred to them as “receipts” and I was clarifying what she meant by that.
David, receipts could mean all kinds of examples of proof. Public Records Request responses of mine from school district, emails from my kid’s teachers, DHS Hub articles, webinars and podcast recordings with David queer teen group leaders, etc are all forms of “receipts” in my possession.
Is that a another threat Beth? You are really have gone over to the dark side and are totally anti-LBGTQ+.
Walter might frame it that way but others also might see it as pro-parent’s rights.
Children have rights to not have their conversations thought to be private blasted all over social media for right wing extremists to go hog wild over.
Children should have a right of privacy against *even their parents* if their parents could pose a threat or danger to them if they are outed by the school or via other means.
Children are not goods or objects a parent owns. It’s really sad that right wingers in this country have that attitude and so that’s why we are the only so-called “advanced” democracy in the world to not sign onto the UN Rights of the Child Treaty.
To appease a vocal *minority* of right wing ,usually extremist religious parents who want to view their children and teens as objects they own. And some of whom aren’t above beating the gay or trans out of them, or turning them out onto the streets with no support.
That is the source of a big chunk of young homeless.
You mean “pro-parent’s rights” in a very limited field focused exclusively on the LGBTQ issue. As I’ve said before, I think there is a very legitimate debate to be had there BUT, it gets complicated quickly.
BUT again…
1. Much of the legal framework is set by the state not the local district. So protesting at the district level is largely pointless.
2. Gaslighting community members and doxing people on social media is not an appropriate vehicle for change – especially when most are not the deciders.
I think it’s important here to distinguish between ends and means. I am a strong supporter of people’s rights to diverging viewpoints. I take issue with some of the tactics that have inflamed the situation at the expense of the very same kids some people purport to be protecting.
Obviously they are not “pro-parent’s rights” since they support legislation that bans gender-affirming medical care for adolescents even if they have the support of the doctors, counselors, and parents.
The governor of North Dakota signed a bill banning trans medical treatment for anyone under the age of 18. Regardless of what the person’s parents or guardians or medical providers believe is in that individual’s best interest.
It bans specific medical procedures and medications for minors, including puberty blockers and testosterone or estrogen treatments.
It criminalizes trans treatments for minors regardless of what their parents may approve. Nobody who supported the ND legislation can claim they support parents’ rights.
Beth Bourne of Davis CA submitted the following written comment in support of that bill:
Here is the bill: https://ndlegis.gov/assembly/68-2023/regular/documents/23-0869-04000.pdf
Here is the documentation of Beth Bourne’s comment: https://ndlegis.gov/assembly/68-2023/regular/bill-testimony/bt1254.html?bill_year=2023&bill_number=1254
This is a highly deceptive statement. Beth also doxxes adults. Parents have no rights over their adult children. Nice try Keith, but it doesn’t pass the smell test. The Moms for Liberty use parents as pawns to advance their completely authoritarian right wing agenda lock, stock and barrel.
That’s why I think it’s imperative to distinguish between positions and tactics.
I believe that trans women should not be competing in women’s only sports and that parents have the right to know that their children want to change their identity and I also believe parents have a right to know what their children are being taught in the classroom. If you consider that extreme then so be it. I think it’s more mainstream than many of you will admit.
I don’t think either view is unreasonable on its face. The issue here is one of tactics, not issue positions.
No, David, this is not the issue, and I wish you would stop saying this. She doesn’t believe transgenderism exists. She doesn’t think there is such a thing as a transgender “kid” (a term that is routinely applied by her group to adolescents all the way up to 18 years old). She believes that “kids” who think they are transgender were somehow persuaded of that by teachers and counselors. She believes there is a conspiracy of the medical and pharmaceutical industries to create more transgender patients.
These aren’t tactical issues. They are core philosophical issues that are not going to be resolved by conversations, forums, or better ‘tactics’. And Keith’s usual attempt to “both sides” this is absurd.
But she’s entitled to think that. Don’t have to agree with her. But she’s entitled to think that. Not only that, she’s entitled to try to change the laws. What she’s not entitled to do, is what she’s been doing in the community.
Like shutting down free speech at the public library? Those kinds of tactics?
David, have you read Beth’s FB page? Believe me, the tactics are coming from both sides. I can’t believe some of the hateful comments getting posted.
So that’s where we are.
Right Don, because everyone knows there’s only one side to this very complex issue.
Now if you ask me that’s absurd.
I think his point is actually that you are attempting to create an equivalency that does not exist in this case. There is a reason why there is a pending restraining order and potential criminal investigation against one individual, but not others.
“Parents rights” is a con job that only seeks to control other human beings. LGBTQ+ people have never directly injured or hurt anyone associated with the Moms for Liberty. To assert otherwise constitutes boldface lies. In this issue LGBTQ+ people have the moral high ground. By employing their hateful and authoritarian rhetoric the Moms for Liberty have staked out the moral low ground. [edited]
“David, receipts could mean all kinds of examples of proof. Public Records Request responses of mine from school district, emails from my kid’s teachers, DHS Hub articles, webinars and podcast recordings with David queer teen group leaders, etc are all forms of “receipts” in my possession.”
Has a temporary restraining order against her from DJUSD.
Doubles down and threatens to release information about vulnerable minors.
Yeah. She and her right wing extremist ilk really care about the children. Can’t you all tell? Can’t you all just positively *feel the love tonight*?
I hope the community continues to socially ostracize this person and completely marginalize her, her group, and her supporters.
Moms for Liberty: Welcome to the consequences of your “free speech.”
Hi Kendra, what do you mean by this statement?
“Doubles down and threatens to release information about vulnerable minors.”
I have never done anything but share information that is already publicly available to the public so parents can understand how their children are risk of being “socially transitioned” at school
My intentions are to protect all kids from unnecessary experimental drugs, including puberty blockers, and surgeries
Like the parents who sounded the alarm with the Sacklers brothers, Perdue, and the OxyContin scandal (where 600,000 lives were lost to overdose), I also believe the medical complex is pushing vulnerable kids to be lifelong medical patients.
Parents should be notified if their child is transitioned to a new gender at school
If the district think parents are unsafe for any reason, then CPS should be involved, like other situations that involve potentially unsafe parents
“If the district think parents are unsafe for any reason, then CPS should be involved, like other situations that involve potentially unsafe parents”
Disingenuous and naive beyond belief (and endangering children, who know their own parents, and potentially placing them in danger from reactionary, right wing parents who have an attitude of ownership in relation to their children), but this appears to be a purposeful rhetorical strategy among most right wingers (and I don’t give a rotten, runny fig for how people self-label; watch their actions, not their slippery words).
The Moms for Liberty and other right wing groups are disingenuous from head to toe.