On October 19, the 2023 Vanguard Justice Awards Gala, the Vanguard will present Juliana Drous with a Vanguard Justice Award for Distinguished Attorney.
From Juliana Drous:
“I have been practicing criminal defense since 1980. I have had cases in all levels of the court: trials in state courts and federal courts, appeals in federal and state courts, two arguments in the US Supreme Court (lost both—also had a third I didn’t argue, it won but it was a white collar case.) I have been involved in many habeas cases, actual innocence cases. Lost some, won a few. Went on to file file clemency petitions. Actually had one granted. I couldn’t have done this work without others who are committed to this work. There are many who should be honored for the wonderful work they have done to forward social justice.”
Join us in honoring Drous for her amazing work on behalf of the wrongly convicted and much more. Among others, she helped to free former Black Panther, Geronimo Pratt.
Tickets start at $100 per plate. Sponsors at $250. To sponsor this event and support this incredibly important cause – please click here – http://tinyurl.com/Vanguard2023.