COURT WATCH: After Nearly 3 Decades Incarcerated, Man’s Sentence Reduced by Court after Pleas to Spend Time with Family

By Shriya Kali Chittapuram

MODESTO, CA – The accused faced re-sentencing here in Stanislaus County Superior Court late last week for a series of offenses that led the accused to spend nearly three decades of his life incarcerated.

The accused expressed a desire to reunite with his family as they have been separated, and pleaded for an opportunity to spend his remaining days outside of prison.

“I’d like to spend some time with my family before I pass away,” the accused said. “Whatever the court decides, it just gives me the chance to get out. All my family members have passed away. I’ve been here for 28 years.”

However, the prosecutor detailed a range of charges against him, including carjacking, robbery and multiple violations during his time in prison, painting a concerning picture of repeat criminal behavior. The accused had been in prison since “the late 90s,” according to the court, which reopened the case in 2018.

The accused did offer insight into his struggles within the prison system, acknowledging his past while also pointing toward efforts at self-improvement.

“This environment fosters these kinds of actions. I’m working on changing myself,” the accused shared, revealing his battle against institutionalization and loss of hope.

The judge, while deliberating, took a moment to recognize the accused’s efforts at rehabilitation, noting, “The accused has participated in NA for 30 days and attended classes, including a cognitive behavioral program,” highlighting some positivity amid the otherwise stark history of offenses.

“The accused does have a right to appeal this situation and appellate rights,” the judge said, ruling, “The accused’s sentence will be reduced.”

The accused’s re-sentencing concluded with the court acknowledging the accused had faced the consequences of his actions, with plea for family time from an individual who has spent the majority of his life behind bars.


  • Shriya Kali Chittapuram

    Shriya, known as Kali, Chittapuram is in her final year at UC Riverside majoring in Psychology with a minor in Law & Society. Kali has had a huge passion for law since high school, and aspires to attend law school in the near future to study Film & Entertainment law. In her free time, Kali loves to write, draw, and even act in films and theater.

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