By Olivia Biliunas and Maeve O’Brien
WOODLAND, CA – The accused’s request for an alternate SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring) device—the accused claimed ankle monitor vibrations would cause tremors—was denied here at a driving under the influence (DUI) sentencing hearing in Yolo County Superior Court Monday.
Despite her primary medical care letter, Judge Tom M. Dyer denied the request, but did grant the accused 30 days to present a neurological report to court before considering a different device, such as wireless handheld monitors.
The accused is charged with DUI and drunk driving, with an excessive blood alcohol enhancement.
Defense attorney Brandon Hintz offered additional SCRAM devices the accused could use, one being a handheld SCRAM device that was ultimately declined by Judge Dyer and Deputy District Attorney Aloysius Patchen.
Judge Dyer said, “Handhelds are not fixed to the body” while DDA Patchen noted he is not comfortable with the handheld breathalyzer scram device because of the handheld device’s accuracy.
Defense attorney Hintz said they would need at least 30 days to hear from a neurologist after Judge Dyer asked to see information from a neurological report.
A continued sentencing was set for April 9, where the neurological report will be taken into consideration before Judge Dyer comes to a final decision.