by David J. Thompson
I feel that I must ask the citizens and voters of Davis for your forgiveness relating to what did not happen with the 150-unit senior housing project assigned to Delta Senior Housing Communities (DSHC) at the Bretton Woods project. My apology is because in 2021 DSHC without a word to the City of Davis or the public abandoned the four-year Bretton Woods project. So what was promised to the public by DSHC is not going to happen.
From 2016 through 2021 I worked tirelessly on behalf of Delta Senior Housing Communities, Inc. (DSHC) to win passage of Measure J (approval of what is now Bretton Woods). If Measure J passed then DSHC would be given five acres of land to build 150 units of low-income affordable senior housing. Although I asked the President of DSHC to help me win passage he never did and in three years he did not attend any of the many neighborhood meetings or the twice weekly booth at the Davis Farmers Market. I think the DSHC President may have attended one event but in that four-year campaign none of the other three DSCH officers/board members ever attended any event or even wrote a letter of support to the Davis Enterprise. During that time I began to think that DSHC was hardly functioning as the board of a non-profit tax-exempt entity.
In 2021 I received a letter from the President of DSHC that the board no longer wanted me to work on the project. With one short letter my almost 20-year service to DSHC came to an end. And that was it. After four years of gaining the support of the Davis public that they would be building 150 units of affordable senior housing DSHC vanished from public view. No apologies to the Davis public: who supported the West Davis project, who voted for it, who wrote letters in support and who testified at public meetings. No DSHC apology to possibly 100 or so Davis residents who put their names on the Bretton Woods Interest List for affordable senior housing and no effort to contact them. There are Davis seniors out there who still think they have an opportunity to move into the DSHC housing.
Lacking a response to the community from DSHC I now feel I need to apologise to the citizens of Davis.
DSHC will not be building the 150-unit affordable senior housing at Bretton Woods. You should have been told much earlier by DHSC that they had pulled out but DSHC has hidden this from the public, which I regret.
What type of a board is DSHC to abandon low-income seniors and disappear from public view without a word of apology to the citizens of Davis for four years after a citywide vote in 2018?
For the past three years, to learn about what DSHC is doing I have asked the President and Secretary of DSHC to provide me with the annual IRS Form 990 they are legally required to, but no response from DSHC.
As DSHC has chosen not to explain or apologize, I will.
The outcome was neither my intent nor my choice of outcomes so my sincere apologies to you, the citizens of Davis.
David J Thompson – My own remarks and not representative of any other entity
The most recent DSHC Form 990 is available from the IRS is for 2022. At the end of 2022 DSHC listed $2.7M in assets.
DSHC shares a Davis mailing address with someone you know.
DSHC’s revenues fell 95% from 2021 to 2022. Expenditures are now only $16K.
What’s the obligation of the developer in this matter?
The key issue I am raising is that if you write directly to the President and Secretary of a local nonprofit tax exempt entity asking them to send a copy of their IRS 990 annual tax filing you should expect to get that from them.
I did and in three years of my asking I have never received a reply.
David J Thompson – My own remarks and not representative of any other entity
This article is the weirdest thing you’ve run David. It is a rant without providing any context for us out here who are just regular citizens.
Who “assigned” the project to who and what authority did they have to make an “assignment”?
What relationship did the author have to DSHC? Was he a board member, or did he just decide he would do this work without talking to DSHC board? Where is the background for his accusation? Was Mr. Thompson just doing this on his own hoping that these people would support him later? What is he apologizing for? Seems like he went out on a limb on his own and was disappointed that he wasn’t supported after the fact.
Well, now we intuit or surmise that he was some kind of paid staff person. We’re not told what kind so we just have to assume he was being directed or maybe he was a loose cannon?
David Thompson may owe us an apology for writing a cryptic letter with almost no logical flow to tell us what exactly happened, in his view, that he has to apologize for.