By David M. Greenwald
Executive Editor
Originally scheduled for preliminary discussion at the May 21 meeting, the Measure J amendment has now been postponed indefinitely.
Measure J/R/D Exemption Options for Certain Level of Affordable Housing or Other Criteria is still listed on the council’s long range calendar, but now listed under “upcoming items with no set date.”
City staff told the Vanguard on Friday that the move reflects the council’s desire to make sure they get this right. They feel like they only get one of shot at this.
The Vanguard has suggested a full community discussion prior to the item coming up. That puts a November ballot measure into the unlikely category.
Already the city is moving forward with Village Farms coming onto ballot by spring 2025. The council now has a revenue measure discussion set for June 4 with a Shriners NOP (Notice of Preparation) scheduled for June 18.