COURT WATCH: Woman with Long ‘Rap Sheet’ Denied Release on Shoplifting Arrest

By Helen Shamamyan

MODESTO, CA – A woman with what the judge said was a long “rap sheet” was denied release on a simple shoplifting charge here in Stanislaus County Superior Court last week.

The accused, charged with shoplifting $175.32 worth of items from a local Target store, has, according to the prosecution, a history of theft-related incidents, although allegedly this was the accused’s first shoplifting incident.

The accused woman is currently employed and has been helping care for her daughter and granddaughter, as well as suffering from domestic violence by the co-accused in the case, said the defense.

Judge Jeff Manger heard the deputy public defender note the accused’s custody status, explaining the accused has spent 17 days of the 20 days assigned in county jail. The accused was taken in for a “low-end” shoplifting misdemeanor, as outlined by the police report on file.

The defense claimed the accused is a victim, arguing if her plea to be released on OR was granted, she vowed to appear for any and all court dates moving forward.

Judge Manger mulled over the nature of the accused’s legal history, stating the accused was a felon on probation, on misdemeanor probation, and parole, noting an “18-page rap sheet” in which the accused had theft-related charges, warrants, and failures to appear (FTAs), and also served time in state prison on an auto-theft charge.

The prosecutor disagreed that the number of prior violations should not be deeply considered, stating the history of the accused’s conduct “at this point shows no regard for the law.” The DDA also asserted he believed the only reason the accused was present in court today was because she was already in custody, alleging that the accused would have had another FTA in today’s hearing.

Based on the DDA’s refusal to agree to the accused woman’s release, Judge Manger denied the defense request, maintaining the previous judge’s set bail and giving credit for the 17 days already served.

The accused was ordered to serve three additional days in county jail, to stay away from the River Bank Target store, and to be searchable for stolen property at any point of suspicion.

Judge Manger wished the accused “good luck” as she signed the plea form.

About The Author

I am a student from Southern California that's graduating this year from UC Berkeley. Prior to coming here, I worked as a court watch/ law clerk for a PEO in worker's comp cases of California warehouses. I reported the hearing summaries and outcomes to the employer and maintained correspondence with the attornies prior to and after each hearing on behalf of my boss. I have nearly completed by Bachelors in English, and I am planning on taking a break year before delving into law school to study civil rights defense.

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