Guest Commentary: Celebrating the Exoneration of the Port Chicago 50


By  Malik Washington, Destination Freedom Media Group

In 1944, there was a devastating munitions explosion in the Bay Area of Northern California.  Over 300 sailors lost their lives.  While White sailors were granted leave after the deadly explosion, Black sailors were ordered back to work in order to clean up body parts and other debris as a result of the explosion.

At this time in our nation’s history, the scourge of racism and bigotry existed within the armed services.  Black soldiers were segregated and treated in a disparaging manner by our government.  These specific Black sailors that were stationed at Port Chicago were given the job of loading live munitions onto ships.  It was dangerous work and they received little to no training.  Fifty brave sailors refused the order to go back to work after the explosion.  These sailors were court-marshaled.  Now, in 2024 Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Torro acknowledges the wrong and the U.S. Navy has made an effort to clear the names of these 50 sailors.

Destination freedom is a nonprofit organization and one of the mottos that we adhere to is “justice delay, is justice denied.”  As a U.S. Army veteran, I have witnessed and continue to experience what appears to be differential treatment between soldiers who are Black as opposed to soldiers who are White.

The U.S. Navy, in my opinion, still has amends to make to communities of color in the Bay Area. Particularly. the citizens of BAY VIEW HUNTERS POINT need to be made whole.  Many years ago, there were nuclear tests in the Bay Area that contaminated the water, soil, and air of Bay View Hunters Point.  Radioactive isotopes attached themselves to naval ships and it was people of color…Black folks…working in the Hunters Point Shipyard attempted to clean those ships.  Bayview Hunters Point historically has had elevated levels of infant mortality rates, cancer, and respiratory conditions.

Dr. Porter Sumchai has devoted years to BIO-MONITORING TESTING which has clearly shown elevated levels of toxic hard metals and other anomalies in the blood of residents of Bay View Hunters Point.  Her factual data has clearly shown that nuclear/atomic testing performed by the U.S. Navy has had a detrimental effect on the health and welfare of the citizens in this San Francisco community.


The U.S. Navy, Tetra Tech, the building giant, Lennar, and numerous Bay Area politicians have ignored the harm done to the citizens of Bay View Hunters Point.  I am saying this all to say that there is still work to be done.

The new U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California, Ismail Ramsey, has recently made suggestions to create a federal Veteran’s Court for veterans involved with the criminal justice system in San Francisco.  It’s proactive leadership like this which helps address the systemic and institutionalized racism within the criminal justice system while providing our veterans with a path to rehabilitation that does not necessarily have to involve excessive prison sentences.

Destination Freedom is looking forward to reporting on future issues regarding the healing of old wounds and the creation of new opportunities for people of color and underserved.

Malik Washington is a freelance journalist and Director at Destination:  Freedom and Destination Freedom Media Group.



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