California Prop 6 Campaign Aims to End Forced Labor in State Prisons 

David McNew / AFP/Getty Images

SACRAMENTO, CA – Proposition 6 in California aims to abolish involuntary servitude in state prisons, according to an EIN Presswire story, quoting diverse coalitions and leaders.

The article states Jamilia Land, co-founder of Abolish Slavery National Network, said, “We are at a critical juncture in California’s history and this an opportunity for Californians to stand up for justice, fairness, and human dignity by ending a practice that has no place in our state.”

EIN said the “campaign is calling on all California voters to…rally to officially launch the campaign for Prop. 6, and “Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment,” (taking) a “historic step in abolishing involuntary servitude by voting YES on Proposition 6.”

Supporters said the measure closes a loophole in California’s constitution, which still “permits involuntary servitude as a punishment for crimes, aligning the state with others that have already enacted similar reforms,” adding, “California’s existing framework, which allows involuntary servitude under the guise of penal labor, has come under increasing scrutiny.”

However, claim proponents, “Prop. 6 (will) eliminate this outdated practice, reflecting a broader movement across the United States to ensure constitutional rights are not undermined by outdated legal exceptions.”

“Despite the abolition of slavery, involuntary servitude remains a constitutional exception for punishment in California and 15 other states, lagging behind the rest of the country,” proponents state.

Prop. 6 supporters argue they want to end “forced labor,” and that’s why the measure “focuses on enhancing voluntary rehabilitation programs, such as job training, education, and addiction recovery services. These initiatives are designed to reduce recidivism rates and promote safer, more resilient communities.”

EIN said, “Prop. 6 has garnered broad support from a diverse coalition, including the California Legislative Black Caucus and Congresswomen Sydney Kamlager-Dove, Maxine Waters, and Barbara Lee. This extensive backing reflects a widespread agreement on the necessity of abolishing all forms of slavery and advocating for more humane rehabilitative practices.”

Dennis Febo, lead organizer for the Abolish Slavery National Network, said, “This measure addresses historical injustices and sets a foundation for a more just and rehabilitative approach to criminal justice because involuntary servitude IS slavery.”



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