Guest Commentary: Concerns Over Procedural Inconsistencies and Judicial Misconduct in Colorado Adams County Courtroom

The case of the Crocked Arrow and misinterpretation of telephone symbols to fine an Indigent Party over $4000.00.

By Elena D. Rivera

Investigative journalism has increasingly exposed problematic rulings in various Colorado counties, raising questions about the consistency and fairness of judicial decision-making. In Adams County, Magistrate Garlan’s handling of a recent case has exemplified such issues, revealing significant departures from the established norms of procedural fairness. This case, among others, has contributed to eroding public trust and confidence in the efficacy and impartiality of the Colorado Judicial System.

Overview of Judicial Misconduct

In a recent proceeding, Magistrate Garlan’s actions sharply contravened the principles of voice, neutrality, respect, and trustworthiness—cornerstones upon which the legitimacy of judicial proceedings rests. The magistrate’s handling of the case involved the imposition of an unduly harsh fine of $4,625 against an indigent plaintiff, a punitive measure that starkly highlights a disregard for the socio-economic realities faced by the litigant. This action raises significant concerns about the magistrate’s adherence to the principle of fairness, particularly given the financial incapacity of the plaintiff to fulfill such obligations. In the case presided over by Magistrate Garlan, the critical deviations from judicial norms have raised concerns about the integrity of legal proceedings. The imposition of an excessive fine on an indigent plaintiff, coupled with a dismissive attitude towards substantial witness testimony and evidence, underscores not only a disregard for the principles of justice but also a failure to maintain neutrality and respect. Such actions not only undermine the individual’s right to a fair trial but also tarnish the reputation of the judiciary as a whole.

Judge Brian McKenzie, an award-winning judicial educator, emphasized the importance of safety and trustworthiness in his 2023 presentation to the Colorado Court Improvement Program (CIP). He stated, “Is the court trustworthy? Trustworthiness leads to legitimacy, and I’m going to talk about this a little further into the presentation. But are your court operations conducted in such a way that people can understand them and figure out how you got to where you are? You need to be able to explain how you reached your decision. What is going on in a courtroom so that people can understand it? The goal of every court interaction should have as a basis of its activity, building and maintaining trust among participants. This perspective is crucial for understanding that people coming into your courtroom should feel safe. The interactions that the court has should promote a sense of safety, providing a foundation for every judicial interaction to build and maintain trust among all participants.”

Evidential and Testimonial Disregard

Insulting individuals from the bench and condoning false evidence and perjury starkly contravenes the expected conduct of a judicial officer. Yet, in Colorado, it is alarmingly common for magistrates, who are heavy-handed in their approach and often penalize indigent parties, to ascend to judicial positions with the endorsement of the Governor. This practice underscores a troubling deviation from judicial propriety and fairness.

This issue is compounded by Magistrate Garlan’s apparent disregard for substantial witness testimony and his reliance on demonstrably false evidence. Such actions not only breach the duty of neutrality but also violate fundamental legal precedents that mandate the necessity for credible and verifiable evidence in judicial decision-making. The unwarranted disqualification of competent witness testimony without legitimate legal grounds is a profound failure in judicial duty and signifies a breach of the procedural justice expected within Colorado courts. These practices erode the fabric of trust and integrity that the judiciary is founded upon and highlight the urgent need for systemic reform to realign the conduct of judicial officers with the principles of fairness and justice.

Judicial Demeanor and Decorum

The decorum and demeanor exhibited by Magistrate Garlan during judicial proceedings have notably deviated from the standards expected of a judicial officer, particularly in the context of a courtroom that handles small claims and protection orders—a venue where individuals often seek refuge in times of trauma. Magistrate Garlan’s excessively harsh demeanor, often likened to that of a wolverine, not only breaches the judicial standard of respect and impartiality but also undermines the judiciary’s commitment to upholding dignity and propriety within the courtroom.

It is crucial for every judicial officer to embody the highest standards of conduct to preserve the sanctity and respect of the judiciary. This commitment is particularly essential in courts dealing with small claims and protection orders, where litigants frequently come seeking justice and security, often in vulnerable states.

Judge Brian McKenzie, in his presentation in 2023, underscored the importance of neutrality in judicial proceedings. He referenced a study from California which illustrated that public perceptions of fairness significantly influence the legitimacy of the judicial process. Key elements contributing to this perception include the judge’s timeliness, impartiality, and the ability to make litigants feel understood and connected. McKenzie pointed out, “When judges enter the courtroom on time, treat all parties with respect, and make decisions in a transparent manner, it enhances their legitimacy. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of trust and confidence in the judiciary.”

Moreover, when people perceive a judge as fair and connected, they feel that the court is neutral. Conversely, perceptions of a judge as unfair or politically motivated can create unease, leading to doubts about the court’s legitimacy. This sense of distrust is particularly critical in our current climate, where the judiciary faces challenges to its legitimacy, often fueled by perceptions that judicial decisions are politically or corruptly influenced rather than based on law.

Therefore, fostering a courtroom environment that promotes neutrality and transparency is vital not only for the immediate perception of fairness but also for combating broader concerns about the trustworthiness of American courts. By adhering to these principles, judges like Magistrate Garlan can significantly improve public confidence in our judicial systems, reinforcing the core values of justice and impartiality essential to the integrity of the judiciary.

Legal Precedents and the Importance of Upholding Evidence Standards

Perjured statements made to a judicial officer constitute a grave offense and are addressed under both federal and state perjury laws. Under federal law, perjury is codified in 18 U.S.C. § 1621, which stipulates that anyone who willfully makes false statements under oath in a judicial proceeding is subject to severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment for up to five years, or both. This highlights the seriousness with which the federal legal system treats the offense of perjury.

At the state level, while perjury statutes vary, the core principle remains the same: to impose significant penalties on those who lie under oath. In Colorado, for example, Colorado Revised Statutes § 18-8-502 defines perjury in the first degree as a Class 4 felony. This offense carries substantial penalties, including fines ranging from $2,000 to $500,000 and imprisonment for 2 to 6 years, depending on the circumstances and the extent to which the perjury affected the judicial proceedings.

These laws reflect the legal system’s unwavering commitment to ensuring truthfulness in judicial processes and safeguarding the integrity of courtroom proceedings. Perjury not only undermines the administration of justice but also distorts the decision-making process, potentially resulting in unjust outcomes. The statutes are thus designed to deter perjury and preserve the trustworthiness of testimonies and affidavits within the courtroom.

However, in practice, it is rare for judicial officers in Colorado to impose fines or penalties on those who commit perjury. This lack of enforcement has led to concerns that the review of a magistrate’s conduct by higher courts in Colorado may inadvertently endorse a pattern of injustice, where false statements go unpunished and the integrity of the legal process is compromised.

Call for Action

In light of these issues, it is crucial that we undertake a comprehensive review of Magistrate Garlan’s recent case conduct and the broader implications of such judicial behavior in our court systems. I urge the establishment of a panel to investigate these practices thoroughly and to consider appropriate disciplinary actions if necessary. It is also recommended that we revisit and reinforce our judicial training programs, emphasizing the critical nature of procedural justice, the handling of evidence, and the maintenance of courtroom decorum.

The acceptance of unclear or misleading evidence, especially when it leads to severe consequences such as fines or penalties against a defendant who is factually innocent of the claims against them, has far-reaching implications. It not only questions the competency of the judicial process in interpreting technical evidence but also highlights a potential avenue for abuse where individuals might exploit these misunderstandings to their advantage.

In the specific context of Adams County, if it is exceedingly simple for one party to punish another based on inaccurately interpreted or false evidence, the entire foundation of justice is compromised. This scenario fosters an environment where the truth can be easily manipulated, leading to wrongful penalties and a significant erosion of public trust in the legal system.


The actions observed necessitate immediate attention to protect the integrity of the judiciary and ensure that justice is administered fairly and without prejudice. It is incumbent upon us to address these deviations with the seriousness they warrant, to restore public trust, and to uphold the esteemed principles of law and justice that define our society.

To mitigate these risks, it is crucial for the judiciary in Adams County, and indeed all jurisdictions, to enhance their understanding of technological evidence and the symbols used within digital communications. Judicial education programs should include comprehensive training on interpreting digital symbols and understanding the technology behind communication logs.

Furthermore, stringent standards must be enforced for evidence submission, particularly involving digital data, to ensure that all evidence is critically examined and verified. This approach would safeguard against the misuse of technology in legal settings and uphold the accuracy and fairness that is paramount in judicial proceedings.




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