U.S. Senate Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Improve Security and Safety of Prisons for Those Who Work There 


WASHINGTON, DC – The Prison Staff Safety Enhancement Act is being considered here, according to a recently released statement from the offices of Democratic Georgia Senator Jon Ossoff, and Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn.

Ossoff said the bill would mandate that the Department of Justice(DOJ) conduct a review of sexual assault committed by inmates on workers employed by any of the Federal Bureau of Prisons(BOP). The DOJ would then have to report any substantial findings to Congress and from there would aim to establish a practice to prevent this abuse.

The document follows up with the results of the DOJ’s report in February, 2023 that noted the DOJ office of the inspector general found that of the 7,000 people they surveyed in their report 40 percent said they had experienced sexual harassment from an incarcerated.

Both Blackburn and Ossoff have stated their ongoing support and enthusiasm for the bill with Sen. Blackburn arguing, “A federal employee or law enforcement officer should have to fear for their safety when they show up to work, and the Prison Staff Safety Enhancement Act would be an important step forward in ending sexual abuse of prison staff who are simply trying to do their jobs.”

Others, like Brandy Moore, National President of Council of Prison Locals 33, have expressed their support for the bill stating, “Senators Blackburn and Ossoff for their support and concern for our staff. I urge lawmakers to prioritize the passage of this legislation.”

Sen. Ossoff has continued working to protect safety in federal prisons, according to his office, noting his introduction of The Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Stopping Prison Contraband Act, aimed to slow down the smuggling of illegal contraband into prisons as well as the Bipartisan Female Officers Ballistic Protection Act, to make sure law enforcement agencies have improved ballistic body armor for women.

President Biden earlier signed into law Senator Ossoff’s Federal Prison Oversight Act, which works to redo the oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons 122 locations.


  • Caleb Silver

    Caleb Silver is a rising sophomore at the University of California, Davis pursuing a degree in English and Political Science. Caleb is enamored with the absurdity of the unequality of American political systems. Caleb is torn between pursuing a career in law and one in creative writing but is very passionate about both. He is driven to further understand the injustices of our legal system.

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