DENVER, CO – A man in Colorado is facing potential bias-motivated charges for allegedly attacking a news reporter after demanding to know the reporter’s citizenship status and stating, “This is Trump’s America now,” according to an Associated Press story.
Patrick Thomas Egan, age 39, was arrested Dec. 18, in Grand Junction, CO, after he followed Ja’Ronn Alex, a KKCO/KJCT reporter, for around 40 miles from the Delta area. Alex believes the attack took place because he is a Pacific Islander, reported AP News.
AP News wrote that Egan, who was driving a taxi, arrived in Grand Junction and pulled up next to Alex at a stoplight. He then stated, “Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump’s America now. I’m a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you.”
Alex then drove back to his news station and when he got out of his vehicle, said AP, Egan chased him as he ran to the station’s door, demanding to see Alex’s identification and shortly after tackled Alex and put him “in a headlock and began to strangle him,” stated AP News.
Coworkers who witnessed the scene told police, “Alex appeared to be losing his ability to breathe during the attack, which was partially captured on surveillance video” reported AP News.
Alex is a native of Detroit and was driving a news vehicle at the time, according to AP News, adding Egan was arrested on suspicion of bias-motivated crimes, second-degree assault and harassment. He is scheduled to appear in court Jan. 2, to learn if prosecutors have filed formal charges against him.
I’m curious, has the Vanguard ever posted any articles where liberals/progressives attacked reporters?
I honestly don’t know. One of the biggest changes in the last year-plus has been my role with the Vanguard. Up until 2020, pretty much everything went through me. Now, I am only really responsible for my articles, guest submissions, and signing off on court watch articles. Everything else is generated through either the Court Watch Program or VIP, approved by those editors and posted by staff. These days when you comment on an article like this, it’s the first time I have seen the articles.
The MAGA cult is filled with dangerous and violent individuals. You don’t even need to threaten them just merely exist. They believe assaulting and threatening you are good ways to attract attention to their cult.
Walter, it’s not just the MAGA’s that do this kind of stuff. But of course one wouldn’t expect an article about leftists doing the same in a Vanguard article.
Four years ago, during an out of control protest. Your obsession with parallels avoids any accountability by anyone.
I can pull up many more examples if you like. It’s not like that’s a one off.
You know the only reason this article appears on your blog is because it’s a conservative doing the deed, but I doubt we would see an article if some crazed leftist had done the same.
You’re guilty of the same thing you charge
Really, how many articles have I written that have been posted on your blog?
Do you consider your blog to be non-partisan?
How many comments have you made?
So you compare what comments are made to the content of the actual articles?
Once again, would this article even appear here if it wasn’t a conservative that accosted the reporter?
My point is: doctor, heal thyself.
Or possibly: “first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
Two Turning Point USA members admit to assaulting queer professor
Two employees of a rightwing youth organization who harassed and assaulted a queer professor last year agreed to a diversion program and admitted they were guilty of the acts.
Turning Point USA’s Kalen D’Almeida and Braden Ellis accosted the Arizona State University (ASU) professor David Boyles last October, hounding him about his sexuality and the classes he teaches. Boyles is an English instructor and the co-founder of Drag Story Hour Arizona.
Boyles appears to lunge at the cameraman after not engaging with their questions, video of the incident showed. Then, at one point, D’Almeida pushed Boyles to the ground, bloodying his face. Boyles posted an image of his injuries online at the time, saying his physical injuries were “relatively minor” but that he felt “angry, violated, embarrassed and despairing at the fact that we have come to normalize this kind of harassment and violence” against the LGBTQ+ community.
Both D’Almeida and Ellis signed diversion agreements with prosecutors that acknowledge they committed the offenses and enter them into an educational program to avoid convictions, Phoenix TV station 12News reported.
D’Almeida, who was charged with misdemeanors for assault, harassment and disorderly conduct, and Ellis, charged with misdemeanor harassment, had previously pleaded not guilty and, in the immediate aftermath of the incident, the organization said Ellis, who works as its cameraman, would pursue charges against Boyles. Boyles was not charged.
So David, you don’t think you’ve got a plank in your own eye?
The point of the exercise is to understand that pointing out the flaws of others, doesn’t excuse the flaws of your side.
What is occurring today does not resemble this recent past. Although incidents from the left are on the rise, political violence still comes overwhelmingly from the right, whether one looks at the Global Terrorism Database, FBI statistics, or other government or independent counts.3 Yet people committing far-right violence—particularly planned violence rather than spontaneous hate crimes—are older and more established than typical terrorists and violent criminals. They often hold jobs, are married, and have children. Those who attend church or belong to community groups are more likely to hold violent, conspiratorial beliefs.4 These are not isolated “lone wolves”; they are part of a broad community that echoes their ideas.
Viral video of visitor accosting drag queens in Waikiki hotel sparks outrage
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – A visitor from California was recently captured in a viral video yelling at three drag queens in the lobby of a Waikiki hotel and telling the hotel they should not be exposing kids to “cross-dressers.” The exchange has sparked outrage and condemnation, including from Hawaii’s governor.
And on Tuesday, the woman’s employer — the University of California, Davis — also came out against the attack, calling the statements offensive, “deeply hurtful” and not in line with the campus community.
Meanwhile, the Alohilani Resort said it has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination.
The incident happened Sunday morning when resort guest Beth Bourne said she noticed three drag performers inside the lobby doing a video shoot. With cell phones drawn, the exchange went viral.
Mark Imaizumi was one of the drag queens — in character as Marina Del Rey.
“She was hell-bent on making sure that was heard loud and clear and on tape,” said Imaizumi.
“You felt sadness for her because you know there was no talking around this. I am not surprised with things the way the world is now.”
Police were eventually called, and Bourne said she was escorted to her room.
“At the hotel’s request, the female was issued a trespass warning and removed from the property without further incident,” the Honolulu Police Department said, in a statement.
WS say: “They often hold jobs, are married, and have children. Those who attend church or belong to community groups are more likely to hold violent, conspiratorial beliefs.”
Those darned family people with jobs who belong to community groups. Just can’t trust ’em.
WS quote headline: “Viral video of visitor accosting drag queens in Waikiki hotel sparks outrage”
I thought her behavior there was vile. She later said she ‘got emotional’, which downplays just how outrageous her meltdown was. I parodied her behavior by singing “She’s Come Undone” by the Guess Who at a City Council meeting soon after:
Too bad, because BB has some points that few are willing to say, but but she tanks any chance of gaining allies outside her ideologue-cult following with statements such as “Trans people don’t exist”, goes after people individually rather than sticking to questions of policy, and trips out over rainbow crosswalks.