Davis United Methodist Church – Winter 2025
The November election indicates that major changes in social policies will be coming. Progressive responses should occur at both the national and local levels. Our church is sponsoring a series of public forums to investigate what changes are likely and what responses are possible. So far two forums are scheduled but more are being planned. The forums will take place Sunday mornings at 11:20 at the Davis United Methodist Church and are open to the larger community. The following forums are confirmed.
January 19. “Immigration in President Trump’s Second Term” with Kevin Johnson, Mabie/Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law & Chicana/o Studies, UC Davis School of Law. President Trump campaigned in the 2024 election promising mass deportations. What might this mean in terms of policies and the impacts on immigrants? The first term of President Trump offers some ideas. We will discuss what might be expected on the immigration front for the next four years.
February 9. “Effective local climate actions” with Richard McCann, energy consultant and founding partner, M.Cubed Consulting. Many local governments create climate action plans including Davis and Yolo County, but their efforts seem to hit a pause when they need to jump into action. There are several reasons for this including wishful thinking about how citizens will participate, misunderstandings about the relative magnitudes of effectiveness, and an unwillingness to invest both money and political will. We will discuss and highlight where these plans might focus most effectively.