The Arkansas Department of Corrections, like many other prisons, utilizes forced slave labor to accomplish most of its tasks as well as a form of punishment. Still, recently, at the Cummins Unit, they have decided to take it to an all-new level of what can only be called Cruel and Unusual Punishment. I’ve discussed the Hoe Squad many times, which is a punishment. Prisoners are punished for not working even though it is supposed to be optional, not mandated or required by ADC Policy.
Recently on Hoe Squad, the riders have been forcing us to either squat or get on our hands and knees and then use our unprotected hands to pluck grass and weeds from okra plants. We are forced to pull thistle, hogweed, Johnson grass, and more by hand or face disciplinary action. We are forced to kneel or squat for hours while doing this. Then, we come in with sores and blisters from the weeds and have to pay a three-dollar copay to see Medical for bandages or ointments.
When I filed a grievance about this treatment, the Field Captain said the crops were too delicate for us to be provided with safety equipment (e.g., gloves and hoes) while doing the work.
Why are they allowed to do this? Why is this considered acceptable, normal, okay? Why can Correctional Officers torture prisoners with no repercussions?
ADC attempts to cover up this rampant corruption by mishandling grievances and mail. They also collaborate with judges to get the suits dismissed or intimidate the prisoners into accepting the torture and doing nothing about it. When prisoners attempt to exercise their rights, they face retaliation, complications, torture, and even death.
A former administrator of ADC helps get the small claims of people incarcerated in the ADC dismissed, frequently through various small errors.
We need your help. We need your support. We need an outside person to keep this from being covered up, hidden, dismissed, and made worse. Hear our stories. Hear our voices. Help us before it becomes too late.
I am already trying to fight for changes and am starting the lawsuit process, but I will face adversity. I am willing to face the risks! Will you?