Yolo Food Bank Executive Director Leaving Organization

Yolo Food Bank’s “Eat Well Yolo” farmers market style food distribution in West Sacramento
Yolo Food Bank’s “Eat Well Yolo” farmers market style food distribution in West Sacramento

Special to the Vanguard

Woodland, CA – In a move that will stun many in the community, The Yolo Food Bank (YFB) board of directors on Monday announced that Michael Bisch is no longer serving as executive director and is leaving the organization effective immediately. Bisch has served in the role since 2018.

“Our board has decided that the organization needs to move in a different direction and that the first step in that process is to install a new executive director,” said YFB Board Member Kate Stille. “We’re very appreciative of the work that Michael did over the past four years to help put the Food Bank on a positive path forward, and we wish him the best of luck.”

The board also announced that it is immediately starting a search for a new executive director.

“The Yolo Food Bank is on very solid footing and with the talent and skills of our dedicated employees, and the continued support of our donors and volunteers, we’re confident moving forward that we’ll build further on our success in serving the Yolo County community,” said Stille.



Breaking News Food Justice Yolo County



    1. Yes, and the loss of Joy Cohan, besides, awhile back…

      As a donor, thought Michael and Joy were great for the food bank, and its apparent close interaction with other local groups (ex. STEAC), and Sacramento efforts…

      I hope the Board finds two replacements of at least equal competencies…

      1. He isn’t so much “leaving” the food bank as he was terminated. Just a couple weeks after the most successful Big Day of Giving, nonetheless. The Board has some explaining to do if they want to keep us donors giving our money to them. I don’t have confidence in the board to select anyone of the caliber of either Joy or Michael. Donors should let the Board know their displeasure.

        1. He isn’t so much “leaving” the food bank as he was terminated.

          Already gathered that, from the article.

          Donors should let the Board know their displeasure.

          Not a fan of Mr. Bisch, myself.  (Based upon the limited “interaction” I had with him on here.)

          I’ll probably view the Yolo Food Bank in a more positive manner than I previously had, based upon this action.

        2. BTW, I’ve heard that Joy’s choice was to take on new challenges/responsibilities… not a ‘termination’… think I recall, it is Meals on Wheels…

        3. Wow Ron O. Way to kick em when they’re down.

          Inoa, I don’t have any of the facts and perhaps voicing displeasure is one thing people could do but withholding money is another level that I’m personally not ready to get to. The mission of the Food Bank is too critical in helping address the food insecurity of the people of Yolo County to be turned into a political football.

          I do know that Michael Bisch engendered a lot of good will for the organization.

  1. I’ll probably view the Yolo Food Bank (or any organization/charity?) in a more positive manner than I previously had, based upon this action.

    Funny… I’ve always viewed organizations by mission, results/impacts, and efficiency (low % of admin/fundraising expenses)… never by personnel… whatever floats one’s boat…

    Organizations like YFB don’t need “views”… they need folk’s time (volunteers) or $$$… “views” do nada…

  2. I am incensed and appalled to hear that Michael Bisch has been fired by the #yolofoodbank. Michael Bisch took the organization from a floundering unremarkable closet to the remarkable organization it is today. He attracted both innovative talent and donors who collectively steered Yolo County through the covid crisis.
    I see this as a a commentary on the short sighted, armchair quarterbacking board of the foodbank and predict that this decision will leave the organization in a vacuum which will have a negative effect not only on its self but also the very important people it servers.
    I for one commit that I will no longer support the foodbank while the current board is seated

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