The Next Conversation on Housing with Leah Rothstein

It was November 18, 2019 and Richard Rothstein, author of The Color of Law was nearing the end of his presentation to a full house at Davis Community Church. More than 200 people remained for the Q&A.

A member of the audience asked “How can we maintain that small town feel and still deal with our housing issues?”

The reply? “That small town feel is a euphemism for a segregated community.”

Those of us that were involved in putting on that event were excited and proud that our community was open to hearing tough information about who we are as a country and as a community. But, how to move forward?

Interfaith Housing Justice Davis (IHJD) formed as a response to Rothstein’s call to action. IHJD is a loose coalition of faith organizations in Davis who advocate for changes in city policy to encourage more affordable housing, the first step in desegregating a community.

IHJD is excited to announce that we are partnering with The League of Women Voters Davis to present an evening with Leah Rothstein. Leah, the daughter of Richard has co-authored with her father the book Just Action (release spring 2023). Just Action describes what we can do now, in our own communities, to undo racial segregation and begin to repair the harms it has caused us all. It includes descriptions and examples of the many strategies and policies a local group can support to challenge racial segregation and promote inclusive housing.

Please mark your calendar to join us in this important conversation on the evening of November 17, 2022 at Bet Haverim Congregation in Davis. For more information and to reserve a seat or zoom link use this QR Code.

Ellen Kolarik



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