Letter: Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry Gets an F

Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry speaking in Davis in May 2022

By Jean Jackman

For 50 years, EnviroVoters has released a California Environmental Scorecard where they evaluate and grade the environmental actions of every state legislator. They score our assembly members and senators based on their votes for the year on key environmental issues.

Aguiar-Curry received a score of 49% or a failing grade on key California environmental votes for 2022.  A common practice of hers is to simply not vote on important issues. She has failed to vote on: stopping freeway expansions in environmental justice communities; protecting Californians from toxic lead pipes; reducing plastic waste from online shopping; accelerated climate targets; climate accountability for transportation projects; aligning transportation with climate goals; healthy and heat resilient homes; climate corporate accountability act and stopping big oils greenwashing. She voted against the community drinking water protection act.

You can look online at the Envirovoters 2022 California Environmental Scorecard.

Senator Dodd received a 72% and a C score. Three times when he didn’t vote. He has accepted oil money.

Are our legislators representing you during this climate crisis? They are not representing me. I think most Davis people care deeply about our climate crisis. And 28 legislators got a 100% scorecard. Why didn’t our legislators get 100%?

We need climate action. It is urgent. Let’s repeatedly call our representatives and ask them to do better and really address our climate crisis. Put their phone numbers next to your phone so you can call them rapidly and often. Assemblywoman Aguiar-Curry (530) 757-1034, Senator Dodd  (916) 651-4003.

Jean Jackman is a Davis resident.



Breaking News



  1. Caltrans says: plan for sea level rise of 6.9 ft by end of century–Caltrans say rise even at 2 foot threaten AMTRAK/cap corridor  service- and likely out of business at 6.9….and sea level riser already shut down highway 37 for 27 days in 2018.-

    Delta levee are threatened at rainy/flood season with this rise- hi tide reach Sacramento, remember.

    Will we lose SFO & Oakland airport that are nearly at sea level?

    Her no show on vote don’t reflect any sense of urgency.

    Cecilia Aguiar-Curry is not a climate change denier, but is she a climate change CRISIS denier?

    thank you Jean Jackman!


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