My View: A Line Was Crossed

By David M. Greenwald
Executive Editor

Davis, CA – I’m a free speech guy and I firmly believe that it was a mistake for the library to shut down the discussion a few weeks ago.  But that does not even begin to excuse what has happened since.

Someone posted a comment: “The library itself has some responsibility for the threats being made.”

No they don’t.  Whether you believe they made a mistake or not, that in no way justifies what has happened next, which is totally and completely at the hands of those who made the decision to not only make threats to the library but, according to public officials, these were vile and hate filled screeds.

I worry about the impact this will have not only on vulnerable communities but also on our children.

As one letter writer wrote, “The recent bomb threats directly impact me as an openly transgender small business owner in Davis and former resident near the library.”

But it’s not just that.

Each time someone phones in or emails in a threat, the authorities have to take that threat seriously—lest this be the one time it goes from threat to action.

Streets were closed off.  Law enforcement personnel were called in.

That limited responders who then can’t go and respond to a medical emergency or an actual crime that is taking place.

And then you have the fact that there are in fact three schools in close proximity to the library.  So each time a threat comes down, children are having to shelter in place.  On the one hand, this can be traumatizing.  On the other hand, this can be desensitizing.

What happens when there are repeated false alarms?  What happens when bomb threats come in time and time again that turn out to be fake and empty threats?

The story of the boy who cried wolf is a great parable for that reason.  By the third time, the villagers no longer came running, but this time there really was a wolf and it was catastrophic.

That could be a real dangerous situation, if the next time the threat turns out to be real or, heaven forbid, there is an active shooter on one of the campuses.

This is not a joke.  It is not something to make light of.  It is not something to shout quasi-humorous movie lines because we think this is funny.

You can be concerned with free speech and still be sensitive to the impact of that speech on others.  You can be concerned about one group’s right to have their say while still worrying about the impact of hateful speech on vulnerable populations.

In the real world, we don’t have to jump into either/or black and white discourse.

As the director of the Vanguard site, it seemed to me that the discussion was becoming improper, insensitive and insulting to people in this community.  Unfortunately, despite repeated warnings, that message did not seem to get through.  People would not back off.  As a result, we decided to take down the comments that were inappropriate and take a time out for a time.

Unfortunately, the anger and hate is explosive.  Ever since the library incident, the Vanguard has received some pretty hateful emails for just reporting on what happened.  Some of what we received is frankly appalling.

No, it is not only the library that has been on the receiving end of hate messages.

Fortunately a lot of that has come from folks outside of the community, it would appear.

However, there has been a good deal of inappropriate communications from clearly identified people within the community.

Unfortunately the message I tried to convey on Wednesday got a little lost in this heat.

I absolutely believe in the freedom of speech.

In a quote widely attributed to Voltaire, he stated, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

While it is questionable as to whether he said it, the spirit of that quote I try my best to live by.

At the same time, we seem to forget the corollary to freedom—responsibility.  Just because you have the right to say something, doesn’t make it prudent to do so.

So I implore those in this community that are attempting to rile people up to in fact ask a critical question.  Has anything you’ve done made things better for yourself, your family and your community?

And if the answer is no—then perhaps it is time to change tactics.

I feel like a lot of people have lost sight of the fact that, while this is an emotional issue, especially when it involves their kids, the way they have chosen to go about addressing this issue is not likely to make things better.  In fact, it will only serve to polarize and isolate themselves from the community.


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Hi David, I appreciate all the reporting you’ve done on the topic of gender identity and culture wars in the last year.
    I would like to hear your suggestions on how I could be more effective in communicating with Davis parents my concerns with Davis public schools promoting gender ideology in K-12th grades.  This includes telling girls they don’t have the right to fair and safe sports, nor should they be able to voice their concerns.

    As you know, I believe this is the biggest social and medical scandal of our times. As a lifelong democrat, I have tried teaming up with various civic groups and community leaders in Davis, but everyone is scared to speak out in public.

     Please share with me your advice.

    1.  This includes telling girls they don’t have the right to fair and safe sports, nor should they be able to voice their concerns.

      Beth, having talked to a coach who is concerned about the impact of transgender athletes on girls sports, they identified the problem as originating out of the California Interscholastic Federation, not the school district, The CIF has a specific policy that ties the hands of coaches, local administrators and school officials. You’re pursuing the wrong path in trying to change that policy at the district level.

    2. Beth, you have switched sides by aligning yourself with the Moms for Liberty. You are no more a true Democrat than Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. In other words, 0%. Transgender athletes in high school sports are a virtual non-issue given their miniscule numbers. The M4L are using this scare tactic so they can use parents as pawns to advance their ultraconservative authoritarian agenda.

      1.  You are no more a true Democrat than Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. In other words,

        Well, being that this Gallup Poll shows that a majority of Democrats say athletes should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender I would have to say that Beth has a lot of company among fellow Democrats.

        And over the last two years that number has only been going up.  So the trend is not your friend.



        1. Not sure how meaningful that poll is.

          For one thing, the sports participation question leaves out any qualification for hormone treatment which basically renders the question useless.

          For another there is another quirk here… the number of people who say they know a trans person actually fell from 40 to 33 percent.  There is no reason that should have occurred other than sampling issues and that basically tracks with any of the changes we saw from year 1 to year 2.


        2.  athletes should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender

          So hormone treatment or not it’s still their birth gender.  So the poll question is totally useful.  I know you don’t like the results and you’re doing here what you always do, try to tear down polls that you don’t agree with.

          For another there is another quirk here… the number of people who say they know a trans person actually fell from 40 to 33 percent.

          Ummm, read it again, “the number of people who say they don’t know a trans person actually fell from 40 to 33 percent.   Just the opposite of what you’re claiming.


          1. Oops, you’re right. My bad.

            On the other, we can of course debate the effect of the hormone treatment, but that’s in fact a different question from the one they asked. As asked, there is no qualification for the hormone treatment which I think most people would agree would be unfair.

    3. Beth, I know you have asked your question (“I would like to hear your suggestions on how I could be more effective in communicating with Davis parents my concerns with Davis public schools promoting gender ideology in K-12th grades”) of David, but I would like to share with you some suggestions.

      First and foremost, please include in your communications some evidence about whether trans-gender women competing in women’s sports in Davis is a this is a real problem (one with actual examples) or a conceptual problem.  If it is only a conceptual problem, which has no actual examples at DJUSD or UCD, then you come across as “crying wolf”

      Second, I concur with Richard McCann that in waging this battle with DJUSD, you are not focused on the true decision makers, the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF).

      Third, I believe your message would have more traction if it logically answers the first question that anyone goes to when they are asked to engage.  Specifically, “Why should I personally care about this issue?”

      So far I haven’t seen anything from you that addresses that third point, nor have I seen anything from you that addresses the first point.  When you couple those two vacancies with Richard’s observation that you are wasting your own time and the time of Davis residents by not taking this issue to CIF, you are like a basball batter who has swung three times and missed the ball each time.

      With the above said, there is a fourth issue that I believe you need to address, which was brought up by Freddy Oakley in her letter to the Enterprise yesterday, specifically, how is what your colleagues did at the library any different than the KKK falsely attesting that they will follow the rules for use of the Stephens Room and then sheets-up and speaks  hatefully at Catholics and Jews and Blacks?

      1. Hi Matt, I would suggest you speak with DJUSD leadership and/of DSHS administrators and coaches if you want to learn more about the impact of CIF’s gender participation policy on Davis High Senior High girls’ sports teams.

        1. Beth, based on your answer to Richard, your overall goal and the specific goal of the event you scheduled at the library is to educate constituents about the issue.  However, when I provide you with the specific feedback you requested yesterday morning, you abandon that goal of education, and tell me to educate myself rather than sharing the information you clearly have at your fingertips.   Is there a reason for that about face?

          With that said, I will repeat the question imbedded in my answer to your request … please include in your communications some evidence about whether trans-gender women competing in women’s sports in Davis is a real problem (one with actual examples) or a conceptual problem. 

    4. Beth Bourne said … “As you know, I believe this is the biggest social and medical scandal of our times.”



      noun: scandal; plural noun: scandals

      an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

      Beth, for me and the broader audience help me understand why this issue has the greatest moral wrongness (sic) and what has been done to date that is illegal.  When I read “scandal” my mind went to Watergate, Iran-Contra, Enron, Teapot Dome, Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky, Chappaquidick, Spiro Agnew, Jeffreyn Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, OJ Simpson, Jack Abramoff, Abscam,   The list goes on and on and on.

      Can you help me understand your thinking?

  2. As the director of the Vanguard site, it seemed to me that the discussion was becoming improper, insensitive and insulting to people in this community.  Unfortunately, despite repeated warnings, that message did not seem to get through.  People would not back off.  As a result, we decided to take down the comments that were inappropriate and take a time out for a time.

    In light of what you stated above some people question why you allowed these comments to post to that article?

    Sharla Cheney August 29, 2023 at 11:07 pm
    Beth Bourne is obviously associated with these threats. It was her invited speaker who exacted revenge by attacking our community on national conservative TV, targeting specifically the staff of our popular library.  Beth gleefully posted the multiple news articles from right-wing media outlets that picked up the story, furthering the reach and stirring the pot.  She is the Chair of the Moms for Liberty – Yolo branch.  She is responsible for actions that prompted and unleashed these threats on our community.
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    Walter Shwe August 30, 2023 at 5:05 am
    I entirely agree Sharla. Thank you for pointing out that Beth is head of the Yolo County chapter of the Moms for Liberty. I really think they should call themselves the Moms for Bigotry/Racism/Anti-Vaxxers.



  3. I really think they should call themselves the Moms for Bigotry/Racism/Anti-Vaxxers.

    This is the absolute truth. If they don’t like it, the M4L can either change their ways or disband. The KKK I am sure didn’t appreciate being called out for who they really are either.

    1. The “ways” of the Moms for Liberty (an Orwellian name if there ever was one) include actions that harm *all* children in our community, and not just those that identify as trans or LGBTQ+.

      *All* children were terrorized with the recent bomb threats incited by the M4L’s agitation on various right wing websites and stoking the right wing outrage machine. And don’t forget that recent actions by right wing extremists against LGBTQ+ people include the murder of a mother of 9 for simply flying a Pride flag *at her own place of business*.

      M4L is part of a growing right wing extremist, authoritarian (and could also at this point properly be called neo-fascist in nature with their ties to violent white supremacist/white nationalist groups such as the Proud Boys–as documented in at least one major news article in the Miami Herald).

      Their actions in this community (not even talking about nationally now) include:

      **publicly naming local teachers on social media and claiming (even if implicitly) that having Pride flags up in their classrooms is somehow related to nefarious reasons

      **Attempting to have books banned in the Yolo County Library (at least one M4L outright lied about the content of one particular book they are seeking to have banned by making a claim about it that just wasn’t true)–“concerned parents” monitor what their own children are reading and do not seek to make decisions for other families.

      **Checking out books M4L consider problematic and refusing to return them, thereby depriving the rest of the community their tax-funded right to check materials out from the library (and, yes–this *is* happening right here in Davis; a commenter on a previous article on this topic questioned whether it was happening here, and there is ample documentation that is the case). So, ironically, seeking to censor particular viewpoints, while claiming disingenuously that *their* viewpoints being censored.

      **Mis-shelving books at at least one local bookstore so people cannot readily find them

      **Making vague threats at school board meetings to the effect that “for parents, teachers, librarians, etc.” who are seeking to “indoctrinate” “children” in various “gender ideologies” you are the true “criminals” and “your time is coming” (This at the most recent Woodland School Board meeting and is available streaming on the Woodland Joint Unified School District site–and my words are not direct quotes but this is the gist of what was said. You can watch it for yourself on the site).

      Transgender people are now feeling more and more unsafe in the community, as well as LGBTQ+ folks of all stripes. I have at least one colleague here in Davis (a gay gentleman) who told me is afraid of being out and uncloseted now *in Davis* because of the ramp up of this type of rhetoric.

      Organizations promoting hate (and let’s make no mistake–it *is* hate) like M4L have no place in any decent, diverse, pluralistic community.

      In fact, it is clear not only from their actions locally, but nationally, that one goal for the M4L (along with their compatriots in other extremist right wing organizations right now) is to get rid of the aspects of a decent, diverse, pluralistic society that they don’t like, and make everyone conform to their narrow (usually an evangelical religious-based) authoritarian view.

      Don’t get sidetracked by the “freedom of speech” issue. They are attempting to weaponize this issue by stirring up the right wing outrage machine (i.e. the bomb threats) in an attempt to silence the rest of us. The M4L ultimately pose a long-term and severe threat to our diverse, pluralistic democracy in this country.

      They should be sent packing from this community if they cannot get their points across in a more decent way without depriving others of their rights (examples of which I provide above).

  4. [edited]

    In case anyone did not see the Enterprise last night, Freddy Oakley had the following letter to the editor (see that I believe is what we should be talking about rather than what has been discussed thus far.  That letter begins as follows:

    An open letter to Bob Dunning (“We have to let each other talk,” Aug. 25).

    Dear Bob,

    I get it that if Raphael Nadal transitions to female, women’s tennis has a very big problem. But a lot has happened in First Amendment scholarship and adjudication since you walked the corridors of King Hall. I don’t know any more about it than a nice wife who listens to a dear husband go at it with other legal philosophers over dessert and coffee, but even I know we are way, way past “Falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater.”

    Freddy then discusses some of the provenance of the Moms for Liberty group before describing the following scenario.

    If the KKK falsely attests that they will follow the rules for use of the Stephens Room and then sheets-up and speaks hatefully at Catholics and Jews and Blacks …

    She follows that description with a challenge to Bob Dunning that asks him to be better prepared to address the complicated free speech issue in a less binary way.

    Bob Dunning’s column (“We have to let each other talk,”) that she was responding to/referencing begins as follows:

    Bob Dunning: We have to let each other talk

    Is it OK to yell “fire” in a crowded library?

    Yes, of course. But only if there’s a real fire in the library.


    With all due respect to what Love “wants,” not to mention California state law and the library’s code of conduct, nothing trumps Sophia Lorey’s First Amendment right to speak her piece at a public forum on public ground.


    Misgendering or not, Lorey had a right to continue.

    […]In our country, we have always been free to challenge existing laws. Otherwise, we’d still have slavery and segregation and women wouldn’t be allowed to vote.


    One thing is for sure, though. Bomb threats, no matter how communicated and no matter the motive, are not protected by the First Amendment.


  5. Hi Rich,

    Yes, you are correct this is a California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) level policy and not school district level policy. The goal of the August 20 public forum on Fair Sports for Girls at the Davis library was to hear about CIF’s discriminatory policies that put girls are risk and remove opportunities for them to excel in sport.

    One of the primary points of the forum was to redesignate the “Boys team” category in high school sports to “Boys-Open team” for male bodies of all gender identities to participate in sports. The current CIF gender policy is an exclusive policy, not inclusive, for girls.

    More information about CIF’s Gender Diverse Toolkit (adopted in 2022) can be found on the DJUSD Athletics Website, under Quick Links:

    CIF Gender Diversity Toolkit (2022):

    For CBS13 news coverage of the Aug 30, CIF Executive Committee meeting (Note, the majority of women providing public comment were from Women Are Real, and not M4L)


    1. I don’t think Beth is capable of hearing what anyone has to say.  I’ve tried and failed.
      Is this a Davis problem?  No.  Is CIF following California law? Yes.  Should Beth take her concerns elsewhere and give the community a break?  Yes.

    1. Beth, thank you for sharing the link to the article.  I read it carefully from word one to word last, and nowhere in it did either (A) the word “sports” appear or (B) the number of Davis students participating in sports who are trans gender was provided.  Further, no individual sports were listed by name.  Also there was no reference to any form of competition much less to competition where XY chromosome humans were either competing with XX chromosome humans or contemplating such competition.

      Do you have any other evidence of the reality of the problem?

    1. Hi Matt and Sharla,

      To protect the privacy of minors, I do not want to share specific information about which girls’ sports are being impacted by biological males on their teams in Davis. I can tell you there are at least 7 different sports (4 of them are CIF sports) impacted by transgender athletes on girls’ teams in Davis. I would suggest you contact the DSHS Principal Geigle or Superintendent Matt Best if you want more details.

    2. Hi Matt and Sharla,

      To protect the privacy of minors, I do not want to share specific information about which girls’ sports are being impacted by biological males on their teams in Davis. I can tell you there are at least 7 different sports (4 of them are CIF sports) impacted by transgender athletes on girls’ teams in Davis. I would suggest you contact the DSHS Principal Geigle or Superintendent Matt Best if you want more details.

      I don’t want a single kid in Davis to not feel supported and welcomed in athletics, but there is no reason the boys category in CIF sports can’t be an open category for male sex bodies of all gender identities.

      1. Beth, thank you for the response.  Let me see if I heard you correctly.  What you appear to be saying is that in “at least 7 different sports (4 of them are CIF sports) there is at least one XY chromosome student playing on the girls sports team for Davis.  Is that correct?  I want to be sure I am discussing this with DSHS Principal Geigle or Superintendent Matt Best based on accurate information.

        Keith Olsen said … “Trans women competing in women’s sports is an issue all over the world. Just take a look at the controversy involving Lia Thomas, a trans woman, who was an average swimmer when competing in the men’s division and how Lia Thomas dominated the women’s division. So it doesn’t matter if it’s happening in Davis or not, it’s a nationally and worldly issue that M4L has every right to have a conference about in a public library.”

        Keith, if you remember Beth specifically requested input as follows, “I would like to hear your suggestions on how I could be more effective in communicating with Davis parents my concerns”  I responded with four specific suggestions, the third of which was, “I believe your message would have more traction if it logically answers the first question that anyone goes to when they are asked to engage.  Specifically, “Why should I personally care about this issue?”  I happen to be a University of Pennsylvania alum, so I know about Lia Thomas’ story, but knowing about her story and personally caring about that story  are two very different things. People don’t care about issues until they impact their personal lives, and very few, if any, Davis residents are personally impacted by Lia Thomas.  For them, Lia Thomas is conceptual.  She is not real..  So my advice to Beth was, and continues to be, give concrete/real answers to the question, “Why should I personally care about this issue?”  If her answer provided here that at least 7 different sports (4 of them are CIF sports) there is at least one XY chromosome student playing on the girls sports team for Davis is correct, then she will have done a good job of causing Davis residents to personally care.

  6. Trans women competing in women’s sports is an issue all over the world.  Just take a look at the controversy involving Lia Thomas, a trans woman, who was an average swimmer when competing in the men’s division and how Lia Thomas dominated the women’s division.

    So it doesn’t matter if it’s happening in Davis or not, it’s a nationally and worldly issue that M4L has every right to have a conference about in a public library.

    1. Here is a very thorough analysis of Lia Thomas’ performance that calls the conclusion into question:

      Including this:

      “According to a search of USA Swimming records, in the last season where Ms Thomas competed in men’s events, she came in ninth across the entire country in the 1,000 yard freestyle and 29th in the 1,650 yard freestyle.

      “Lia Thomas was an elite and competitive swimmer while on the men’s team at the University of Pennsylvania,” says Mr Sockwell. “[The 1650 yard] event would have had Lia in the top 30-34 in the country and right on the bubble of making NCAAs.”


      Ms Hogshead-Makar also drew attention to the difference between Ms Thomas’s pre-HRT times and her times today. Her best time in the 500 yards was 5.6 per cent slower than before transition, while her 1,000 yards time was 7.5 per cent slower and her 1,650 yards time was 7.2 per cent slower.

      That is less than the 10 to 11 per cent gap Ms Hogshead-Makar says is usually found between men’s and women’s races. However, according to the LGBT sports news site OutSport, the difference in NCAA men and women’s records varies by distance: 11.2 per cent for the 200 yards, 7.2 per cent for the 500 yards, and 6 per cent for the 1,650 yards.

      It is also possible that Ms Thomas’ old times do not represent how fast she’d swim if she had never begun HRT. They date from an earlier point in her evolution as a swimmer, and therefore would not reflect any improvements in her technique or mindset since then.

      In short, the HRT slowed Thomas down considerably and within the expected range. But we’re also comparing Thomas as a male freshman to a female senior.

      Bottom line, based on the data, Thomas is a not at this point a male competing against women.

        1. Men’s 500 freestyle | 2022 NCAA swimming championships In the men’s 500 freestyle, Matthew Sates, a freshman at Georgia, took home first place after breaking a meet and pool record with a winning time of 4:06.61.

          Oh please, I can’t believe you’re actually arguing this.  Lia Thomas’s 500 freestyle women’s win time was 4:33:24 almost 27 seconds slower than the men’s time of 4:06:61.  27 seconds is an eternity in a short race.  Lia Thomas was just an average swimmer when she raced as a man.  But as a trans woman she’s the national champ.

          1. Isn’t that an argument against your point, not in favor of it? Did you read the analysis in the article I posted?

      1. “transgender sports division”

        Unfortunately I will never support such a blatantly discriminatory practice. The Paralympics was created because the physically disabled are unable to compete with elite non-disabled athletes. The real and complete evidence that David provided demonstrates that transgender female athletes lose their former male competitive edges once they are well along in the process of transitioning.

        1.  Therealand complete evidence that David provided demonstrates that transgender female athletes lose their former male competitive edges once they are well along in the process of transitioning.

          Right, that’s why an at best average male swimmer was able to transition to a trans woman and become number one in the female category.

      2. Critics accuse trans swimming star Lia Thomas of having an unfair advantage. The data tells a different story
        For trans women, that means growing breasts, thinning body hair, changes to their emotions, shifting body fat into an “hourglass” shape, and – most relevantly to sports – drops in muscle mass and strength.

        According to Sports Illustrated, she lost strength and an inch of her height on HRT, making it impossible for her to match her performance.

        There are cis women who are tall, muscular and have more testosterone. Should that also disqualify them?” Ms Thomas responded.

  7. Hi David, there are zero requirements for transgender identified athletes to have medically transitioned, including puberty blockers, hormones and/or surgeries, in order to compete in girls’ sports per CIF’s policies for CA high school athletics.

  8. Beth

    Point to where in the CIF guidelines that local districts and section administrators are allowed to deviate from those guidelines in allowing transgender athletes to compete?

    1. I will make a further point. We need to distinguish between gender and sex on this issue. I absolutely support transgender choice for all circumstances and activities where the basic biologic functionality makes little or no difference–where the span of physical capabilities across individuals is larger than the differences between the physical sexes. That is true for everything I can think of except sports competitions.

      However in sports, it matters tremendously, even for transitioned individuals, whether they possess XX chromosomes or a different combination. (The only case maybe is if they are transitioned prior to puberty.) Even the residual testosterone boost during the adolescent growth spurt creates an unfair differential. The range of characteristics across elite males far exceeds the range for elite females. The US women’s soccer World Cup team would practice against male high school all star teams, and women track athletes wouldn’t be competitive in boys’ high school state meets. We can see the advantages that non-XX women have when looking at many global events. For example, in the 2017 track and field world championships, all 3 medal winners in the female 800 had significant genetic anomalies and even vestigial male genitalia.

      We created Title IX specifically because of the role that sports holds in our culture, both in affirmation of personal success and in creating social networks that extend later into life. (I got my first professional job in part because my prospective boss was impressed by my athletic success.) We carved out sports for genetic females so that they could enjoy the success and advantages that had been reserved to genetic males.

      I believe that the CIF has taken the wrong approach on this issue and it will adversely impact the progress we’ve made on advancing women’s (more specifically female) sports. But that said, I don’t think this extends beyond sports, as women have demonstrated the ability to perform just as well at men in virtually every other realm.

      One solution to create a transgender sports division just as we do for those who are physically handicapped such as the Paralympics. That approach has turned out to be quite successful and acceptable.

  9. Neo-Nazis Parade Around Florida Chanting “Jews Will Not Replace Us”

    Far-right extremists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and some Republican politicians have recently found themselves aligned against everything perceived as “woke,” including recognizing LGBTQ+ people and their existence. 

    In both the white supremacist and the anti-LGBTQ spaces, you have seen these very similar patterns where the fringe has become embraced by an increasingly large subset of Americans,” Lewis said. “Concepts like the great replacement theory that 10 years ago were fodder for these closed white supremacist chat rooms and niche online spaces are now in the past couple years are all over Tucker Carlson’s show.”

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