Letter: Yes on Q and T and Deos and Darrah

By Don Saylor

It was my honor to serve the Davis community for 27 years on the School Board, City Council and County Board of Supervisors. Over those years, I became acutely aware of the challenges faced by all local governments in responding to the needs of our people and places.  Our community needs both sufficient resources and effective leadership. That is why I proudly support Measures Q and T and the election of Linda Deos and Lea Darrah.

Measure Q adds one penny to the sales tax for Davis to pay for essential services, including public safety and infrastructure improvements that will benefit all residents. While our community has grown and costs have risen, revenue has not kept pace.

Measure T adds a $49 per year library parcel tax to support the operations of the existing Mary Stevens Library and the new South Davis library at Walnut Park. Our libraries are gathering places and resource centers available to all.  Getting my first library card and checking out my first book opened doors to the future for me. This Measure will create opportunities for generations to come.

After a rigorous process, the Yolo County Democratic Party endorsed Measures Q and T. Based on a thorough review of the candidates’ records and demonstrated commitment to public service, the YCDP also endorsed Linda Deos for Davis City Council District 2 and Lea Darrah for reelection to the Davis School Board, Area 2.  We need the leadership that these two women demonstrate each and every day.

Disclaimer: Opinions are those of the writer and do not reflect those of The Vanguard or its Editorial Staff.  The Vanguard does not endorse political candidates and is committed to publishing all public opinions and maintaining an open forum subject to guidelines related to decency and tone, not content.




Breaking News City of Davis Elections Opinion



  1. What rigorous process was used to evaluate Measure Q before the Yes endorsement were made? As usual, the Yolo Dems endorsed more taxes without inviting any opposition to present their case before or at the meeting at which the endorsements were made. Same old…same old.

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