Tamiko Gaines Steps Down As Chamber President


(From Chamber Press Release) – The Davis Chamber of Commerce announced today that Board Chairman Tamiko Gaines will be stepping down from her role, effective June 9, 2016.  Ms. Gaines, who has been serving in the role since September 2015, is the Senior Director of Institutional Relations at HM.CLAUSE, Inc.

Ms. Gaines has been awarded a McKnight Doctoral Fellowship to complete her Ph.D. in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at the University of Florida.  Having also been awarded a Board of Education Summer Fellowship, Ms. Gaines has accepted the opportunity to begin her graduate studies at the University of Florida in June of 2016.

“This is certainly a bittersweet move for me, as I care deeply for the Davis community.  During my years serving on the Chamber Board of Directors, I have been passionately committed to connecting, convening and facilitating opportunities for successul collaboration across the private industry, academic and government sectors.  I have enjoyed the chance to roll up my sleeves and help the Chamber team to create greater value for our members and the Davis Community, by collaborating across these three sectors to reach our shared objectives.  It has been an honor and a privilege to be part of such an amazing team; and to serve as Chairman of Davis Chamber Board of Directors.”

“I am sad to end my term of service early; but am delighted that my departure creates opportunities for highly capable new leaders to serve the Davis Chamber of Commerce.  The Chamber team has put into place a detailed transition plan, which will allow for a seamless change in leadership now, and allow for a smooth succession process in the future.  I thank the Davis Chamber of Commerce for my opportunity to serve; and I couldn’t be happier for Jason Taormino, as he takes over as Chairman of the Board of Directors.”

The Davis Chamber Board of Directors is comprised of 20 local business men and women, including representatives from UC Davis, Sacramento City College and Davis Joint Unified School District.

The Davis Chamber of Commerce is an independent business membership organization that serves to advocate, promote and support the economic vitality of its membership and the quality of life for the community.  To learn more about the Davis Chamber of Commerce, visit www.davischamber.com.



Letters and Brief Announcements

1 comment

  1. Congratulations Tamiko!!! I am so happy for you! You did an incredible job serving as Chair of the Davis Chamber of Commerce. I know you will be successful in your new venture as a PhD student! Looking forward to the day when we can call you Dr. Gaines.  Best wishes to you!

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