Poll conducted by Change Research shows sixty-one percent of California Voters support SB 50
(From Press Release) – A new statewide poll conducted by Change Research shows that sixty-one percent of California voters support Senator Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) SB 50, the More HOMES Act. SB 50 eliminates hyper-low-density zoning near public transit and job centers, thus legalizing apartment buildings and affordable housing in these locations so that more people can live near transit and near where they work. SB 50 will help make housing more affordable and reduce carbon emissions by allowing people to live closer to where they work and closer to transit.
“Californians everywhere are feeling the impacts of our 3.5 million home deficit and are asking for change,” said Senator Wiener. “Whether you’re a parent worried about your child being able to afford to move back to our state, a senior on a fixed income struggling to pay rent, or a college student burdened with high tuition costs and high rent, our housing crisis is taking a toll on all of us. That’s why our coalition of supporters continues to grow. If we are to meaningfully address our housing crisis, we must look at legalizing small to medium sized apartment buildings throughout our state. SB 50 will help increase the amount of affordable housing stock throughout California and help make a large dent on our housing deficit. I look forward to continuing to work with every day Californians to pass this important measure.”
SB 50 is supported by the California Labor Federation, the California Chamber of Commerce, the State Building and Construction Trades Council, the California League of Conservation Voters, AARP California, the UC Student Association, the Natural Resources Defense Council, CALPIRG, Environment California, Habitat for Humanity, the San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, the California Renters Legal Advocacy and Education Fund (CaRLA), the California Apartment Association, and a diverse and bi-partisan array of mayors, legislators, and local elected officials throughout California. It is sponsored by California YIMBY, the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, and the California Association of Realtors.
Change Research has no credibility and is a Democratic Party aligned advocacy group. From their website “Many of us woke up on November 9, 2016 wondering what the hell we could do”
Total BS
Do you have metrics to substantiate your smear against them? Because their own metrics suggest that their polling is fairly accurate: https://medium.com/@ChngRsrch/change-research-accuracy-c4ce51a190cb
I agree with your point of view that they are so biased that quoting from their website constitutes a “smear”.
For me it’s a trend of people attacking sources rather than the ideas. In this case, do you really believe that 60 percent of the California population wouldn’t support the concept behind SB 50? I mean crap, at the polls last year, nearly 60 percent of Davis residents supported Nishi and another 55 percent supported WDAAC.
We have made the decision that we are going to be tracking a lot of the housing and criminal justice reform bills through the legislature – sometimes it will be in the form of our own articles by me or Cres, sometimes it will be a short press release update.
If the No on SB 50 side sends a press release, we would publish that as well.
I also would point out that I have not taken a position on SB 50.
Greenwald: go ahead and publish this letter then:
“a trend of people attacking sources rather than the ideas” If the sources were not important they would not base the press release around them? Here is the flow:
Propaganda: “Everyone supports this idea and we know be cause we conducted a poll”
Jim: “The poll is garbage because it was done by their buddies”
Tia “objectivity is unnecessary in research, I am opposed to the objectivity because, ‘think of the children!!!'”
David: “don’t look at the man behind the curtain and here are some irrelevant anecdotes that hopefully will sidetrack the conversation””
If they wanted to do a real poll they would have used Field. Because they didn’t they were just interested in publishing propaganda.
Field poll shut down in 2016, sad to say.
Jim – you still haven’t presented any evidence to substantiate your claim that this is a faulty poll other than your own conjecture and bias.
Craig, apparently reading comprehension is not a valued skill for you. What I wrote was “Change Research has no credibility and is a Democratic Party aligned advocacy group”
Don, thanks for the head’s up. I’ve been away from MR for awhile.
David “do you really believe that 60 percent of the California population wouldn’t support the concept behind SB 50? ”
The “concept” behind SB50 is that localities should NOT be allowed to decide land use and planning decisions and that power should instead be given to some guy from jersey.
If you phrase the question ” Do you think some guy from jersey should make all decisions about what gets built in your neighborhood” then you would get a much lower approval rate.
“Many of us woke up on November 9, 2016 wondering what the hell we could do”
I am unclear how a verifiably truthful statement affects the validity of a poll. How do I know this statement is true? Because when I arrived at work that day, it was to a repetition of this question over and over. Some of my juniors in the department were literally asking me with tears in their eyes, “What do we do now?” My response was “Organize and focus on the midterms”. That also doesn’t affect the validity of a poll, now does it?
Oh good yet another attack by Rik Keller masquerading as an actual post.
BTW, how does an article clearly labeled as “from press release” masquerade as anything?
I suspect part of the answer to that question is whether or not it includes one’s own “backyard”. In other words, a vague concept, vs. reality – depending upon how the question is asked.
Trackside comes to mind, for example. (And, not the only example.)
The response probably also varies based upon individual cities/communities, and factors such as the structure of local Affordable housing requirements, displacement of existing populations via gentrification, etc.
Another local example regarding local “resistance” to the concept might be found in the concerns that recently led the city to consider creation of a review process for residences that are expanded (by more than 40%?), as I recall.
My point Ron is only that I don’t think the 60% figure is so ludicrous that it required Jim’s response.
David: “In this case, do you really believe that 60 percent of the California population wouldn’t support the concept behind SB 50?”
Yeah, that’s about how much these polls are worth; do you like the concept? The devil is of course in the details.
“Recently, Public Counsel and our partners in ACT-LA joined over 50 other affordable housing and equity-focused organizations to express concerns with the current version of SB 50. Our concerns are not based on any ideological opposition to the development of housing. In fact, Public Counsel and ACT-LA initiated and helped design some of LA’s strongest housing production programs – including the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) program – and we routinely enforce anti-NIMBY laws requiring adequate multifamily zoning across LA County. We are concerned about SB 50 not because it is a housing production bill, but because it falls short of equitable housing production standards – and without such standards, SB 50 could do more harm than good.”
If you phrase the question, “would you like all planning and land use decisions taken from you and made in Sacramento so you have no voice or input on what is built in your neighborhood?”
What percentage of people would favor that?
Rik: Given the Vanguard’s focus and direction, I suspect that it will continue to be up to you to present the concerns regarding the proposed bills. Hope you keep up the good work. In that way, you are actually helping the Vanguard to present a more balanced view.
The article below provides a prime example of the reason that folks can’t afford housing. The more things change (e.g., with technology), the more they stay the same – with wealth concentrated at the top. (Perhaps technology actually accelerates this trend.)
As a side note, it might be interesting to compare the age of the driver, vs. the ages of those cashing in.
howz any1 even arguing this? Organization use non-scientific polling organizations all the time to ‘back up’ their wishes, in an attempt to jump-start the public mood in a particular direction. It’s human nature to have the group-think side with the ‘winner’, so if you declare yourself the winner, you may get some movement in that direction. this happens on all sides of the spectrum. Of course, it only works on non-thinking dumb-a**ses. In other words, it works quite well.