Convicted Child Molester Receives 90 to Life

By Penelope Tsiopos

Despite minor delays, Margarito Alvarez received his sentence after being convicted of several counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14, including by force. Based on memos suggesting the amount of time to be served, provided by both the attorneys and probation, Mr. Alvarez will never harm another child again.

He will serve 90 years to life on 6 counts and one concurrent sentence. His defense attorney attempted to group Counts 2 and 3 together, as well as 7 and 9. The defense argued each should be considered as one count rather than two separate ones because of the lack of evidence that those were separate acts. The prosecution, Deputy DA Deanna Hays, stated that since it has been years since some of the acts, the victim’s memory may not be as precise.

The court ruled 2 and 3 to be one instance, while 7 and 9 were proven to be different lewd acts. The court then ruled 15 years to life for each count, with the exception of one concurrent sentence for Counts 2 and 3.

Mr. Alvarez asked to be considered for educational and rehabilitation programs during the time he will serve. He was asked to pay $300 for each felony and an additional $300. He has to pay a restitution fine of $882 for the time of some of the witnesses and the mother of the victim. He is eligible for parole and must register as a sex offender.

Closing Arguments for Child Abuse Case

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  1. Honest question… does CA provide for voluntary physical or chemical castration in lieu of sentencing?

    Yes, if the jury got it right, he should never be a threat to kids… but a life sentence (if defendant was over 15, for sure)?   And if serving what amounts to a life sentence thing, what’s up about the registered sex offender thing?

    If this individual in in gen pop in prison, he may not last long.

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