Court Watch

VANGUARD COURT WATCH: Charges Temporarily Dropped in Davis Murder Trial

murderBy Vanguard Court Watch Interns

The trial of James Mings ground to a halt on Wednesday when Deputy DA Martha Holzapfel fell ill, causing Judge Richardson to send the jury home.

When the trial resumed on Thursday morning, Ms. Holzapfel was still ill.  Her supervisor, Deputy DA Rob Gorman was supposed to take her place and select the jury.

First Yolo County Third Strike Resentenced Under Prop 36

prop36Last November, California voters overwhelmingly adopted Prop 36, known as the “Three Strikes Reform Act of 2012.”  Under the new law, which created PC 1170.126, those sentenced to 25 years to life for a non-violent third strike can be resentenced.

On February 15, 2013, Judge Timothy Fall re-sentenced Eliaser Aguilar, who has been in prison since 1999 on a single count of violation of section 11377(a) of the California Health and Safety code for possession of a controlled substance.

West Sac Police Officer Arrested For On-Duty Sex Assault and Kidnap Charges

AlvarezAccording to a release from the West Sacramento Police Department, Officer Sergio Alvarez, while on duty, used his position to stop and assault women – six in total, some of them more than once, who range in age from 20 to 47.

All of them frequented the West Capitol Avenue area, where Mr. Alvarez had a home and allegedly was housing prostitutes.

Jury Selection Begins Today On The Murder Trial Of Davis Resident

murderby Bessie Samson and Antoinnette Borbon

Today began the first day of paneling a jury for the state’s case against defendant Ming. Ming has been indicted on a charge of first degree murder of a Davis resident, that happened at the College Square apartments on J St back in October 1, 2011.  Ming claims he knew the victim briefly, but the victim was suffering with several illnesses and had asked him to end his suffering.

The victim, Kevin Seery, 42, was reportedly suffering from a number of ailments which included diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis and pneumonia at the time of his death.  He stood at 6-1 but weighed just 133 pounds.

Eye on the Courts: Cash For Convictions

DUI2The notion of cash for convictions is the idea that fiscal incentives might drive the decisions made by prosecutors as to which cases to pursue.  In the age of declining budgets, prosecutors increasingly are forced to rely on external grants which contain the incentive to arrest, prosecute and convict more people in the targeted category.

That may sound benign, but when the need for funding trumps the need to protect the community or ensure that justice is done from the perspective of the community, the victim and the defendant, we have a potential problem.

VANGUARD COURT WATCH: Judge Reduces Meth Charge to Misdemeanor

methBy Vanguard Court Watch Interns

The afternoon session of Department 1 on Friday, February 22 included a preliminary hearing regarding the Wayne Cottle case. Mr. Cottle, defended by Mr. Ryan Friedman, was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine. Deputy District Attorney Mr. Jay Linden called the first and only witness, Officer Josh Helton of the Davis Police Department.

On October 6 of last year, 911 operators provided Officer Helton with the phone number of Ms. Pratt, the defendant’s girlfriend, who believed that he was suicidal and possibly in possession of drugs and/or a firearm. Specifically, she said that he had a methamphetamine and Adderall problem, and it was likely that he was using.

New Legislation Aims to Reduce Wrongful Convictions

witness-idCalifornia leads the nation in wrongful convictions, according to a 2012 study, but it trails many states, particularly New Jersey, in safeguards and best practices aimed at reducing critical areas where wrongful convictions are likely to occur.

For instance, in 2011 the New Jersey Supreme Court made a ruling that was aimed at resolving what they called the “troubling lack of reliability in eyewitness identifications.”  A year later, for the first time, the New Jersey courts are having judges instruct jurors in order to improve their evaluation of eyewitness identification.

Commentary: Making an Example of Clinton Parish


Clinton Parish showed appallingly poor judgment last year in authorizing attacks against incumbent Judge Dan Maguire.  Even if those attacks had been accurate, it is questionable for one to play that sort of politics in a judicial race that is supposed to be about experience and neutrality, not politics.

How easily the charges were systematically dismantled under the least amount of inquiry, however, casts the situation in a very different light.  It calls into question Mr. Parish’s ability not only to be a judge, but also to be a prosecuting attorney.  After all, if you cast baseless charges against your political opponent, why would you not cast the same charges against a poor, defenseless defendant?

VANGUARD COURT WATCH: Co-Defendants Face Gang Charges in Drug Case

gang-stock-picby Stephanie Yang

On Friday, February 15, 2013, John Lemus and German Quezada were scheduled for a hearing for substance offense and a gang-related enhancement. They are represented by Mr. Cobb and Mrs. Sequeira.

Opening statements from DDA Robin Johnson said that there is enough qualifying evidence to stipulate that the incident that occurred on December 2012 is a gang-related offense. She called the first witness, Ramón Cuellar, to the stand.

Commentary: Artz Becomes Poster Case of Overreaching by DA and Judge


The Vanguard Court Watch has been in Judge Stephen Mock’s courtroom many times since 2010.  Our view of him is that he is a relatively fair judge, though he tends to lean towards the prosecution, and he has a firm grasp of the law.

We firmly believe that most people who go before Judge Mock get a reasonably fair trial.  There are exceptions, of course, but by far the most egregious was the Michael Artz trial.

My View: Politicizing Rape

davis-train-depotLast summer and fall I cringed when words like “legitimate rape” came out of the mouths of male conservative politicians.  It’s not just that their understanding of basic human anatomical functions was so terribly wrong, but it re-injected politics into a crime that need not be politicized.

I was coming of age during the days when rape awareness finally moved out of the dark ages, when prosecutors would refuse to prosecute, pardon the expression, legitimate rape cases.  Mine was the first generation where the term date rape came into prominence, and the phrase “no means no” became etched into our minds.

VANGUARD COURT WATCH: Man Faces Six Counts of Worthless Checks

Bounced-CheckBy Alexandra Rose

On the morning of Wednesday February 13, 2013 in Department 6 of the Yolo County Superior Court, the judge and jury were seated and ready to hear the opening statements in the case of the People of the State of California versus Gurmej Singh.

Charged with six counts of writing worthless checks, dating back to several dates in April of 2009, Gurmej Singh is represented by his defense attorney, Lisa Lance.

State Bar Files Complaint Against Clinton Parish


The State Bar of California has filed disciplinary charges against a Yolo County attorney for allegedly failing to comply with ethical rules while seeking judicial office. Clinton Parish, 41, is accused  by the California Bar of making misrepresentations about himself and his opponent in the May 2012 election for Yolo County Superior Court.

According to a press release from the State Bar, “Parish’s campaign materials falsely asserted, among other things, that his opponent was “involved in a sordid case of corporate fraud that involved payment of bribes in Russia.” Parish’s campaign website erroneously claimed that he had been endorsed by the Winters Police Department, and his yard signs gave the false impression that he had judicial experience.

Appellate Court Reverses in Artz Case

Yolo-Count-Court-Room-600It was one of the more controversial cases that the Vanguard has covered, where a Yolo County Jury found Michael Artz, a graduate of Davis High School, not guilty of forced oral copulation in a case involving another Davis High Student who was 16 at the time.

However, they did find him guilty of two felonies, oral copulation with a person under 18 and contact and communication with a minor with the intent to have sexual relations. Ultimately, Mr. Artz was ordered to undergo counseling and spent six months in the Yolo County Jail.

DPD Sustains Complaint Against Officer Involved in May Tasering Incident


Vanguard Confirms Officer No Longer Employed by City – The Vanguard has received a copy of the city’s letter to Tatiana Bush, one of two individuals involved in an incident that occurred May 23, 2012 at the Glacier Point Apartments.

At the time, the Davis Police released an unusually detailed explanation of the incident.  However, that was refuted a few days later by Tatiana Bush, a member of the Cruz Reynoso Task Force that looked into the November 18, 2011 Pepper Spray Incident.

Commentary: Columnist Attempts to Try and Convict Sonne, Acquitted by Jury, in the Press


By Antoinnette Borbon

I would like to take the time today to write a response to Debra DeAngelo’s column published in the Davis Enterprise, “If you’re drunk, ‘no’ doesn’t have to mean ‘no.

First, I would like to say that a case such as this was bound to bring forth controversy. However, controversy should not take away the weight of the facts in this case.

Police Cracking Under the Pressure of Manhunt?

police_tapeA friend of my wife’s last night posted on Facebook that he (an African-American and an elected official down in Southern California) were spending time on their boat at the marina in Long Beach on Sunday.

He said he was watching the Laker’s game when he heard a helicopter hovering overhead.  When he went out, he immediately saw Coast Guard boats and numerous police on the dock facing his boat and up on the street.

VANGUARD COURT WATCH: Charges Added in Snyder Explosives Case

explosivesBy Antoinette Borbon

The courtroom was packed today awaiting the preliminary conference for David Snyder, who is charged with making explosives, possessing firearms, and endangering the lives of others under the Health and Safety code.

He sat there calm and confident as his defense attorney, Linda Parisi, explained to the court that he was an upstanding citizen with a clean record. She explained to the court that David Snyder has been a good employee and was merely being experimental.

Police Lie Under Oath?

police_tapeLast week, in a provocative op-ed in the New York Times, Michelle Alexander, known widely as the author of “The New Jim Crow” which deals with the issue of the mass incarceration of large numbers of African-Americans, particularly on minor drug possession charges, weighs in on the issue of police officers lying under oath.

This is not a small issue, as she explains, because each year thousands of people plead guilty to crimes “because they know that the odds of a jury’s believing their word over a police officer’s are slim to none.”