Yolo County

Residents of Madison Rejoice in County’s Backtrack on Re-Entry Facility

The group Save Rural Yolo County has been fighting hard to prevent a proposed re-entry facility in Madison.  It appears that the economy has won out on the issue.  On Tuesday, they won a major victory when the Yolo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to revoke the county’s agreement to build the facility.

Mike McGowan, who is the current chair of the Board of Supervisors denies that Save Rural Yolo County’s political pressure and lawsuit was a major factor in the board’s decision.

Commentary: Yolo County Needs To Avoid Cuts in YCHIP

On Tuesday, the Yolo County Board of Supervisors will discuss cutting an already-underfunded YCHIP program budget by 36 percent.  There is no doubt these are tough times for local government and of all governments counties are suffering the most and yet also relied upon the most for vital services.  Yolo County is no exception.  They are being forced to cut one-third of their general fund budget.

Two weeks ago Sheriff Ed Prieto made a vigorous defense of his department arguing that law enforcement would be hamstrung by the proposed cuts.

Commentary: Is it Wise to Cut Health Services For Undocumented Residents?

On Tuesday May 5, at 10 AM the Yolo County Board of supervisors will discuss whether to reduce public health services provided by the County to people who have no medical insurance at all.  The Yolo County Board of Supervisors will also be voting on whether to eliminate all  medical services for people who do not have proof of documentation.

The cuts will be broader than just services to undocumented workers, it will be roughly 1.5 million dollars in savings by reducing and modifying eligibility for patients.  YCHIP (Yolo County Healthcare for Indigents Program) currently servces about 2,500 Yolo County residents, they estimate about half of those are undocumented.

Toughest Ten: Matt Rexroad

matt_rexroadThis is a brand new feature on the Vanguard.  Every week, we will put a local official in the spotlight and ask them ten tough questions with follow ups.  The goal is to press them on the tough issues of the day.  We will also be tallying a running scorecard to let the public know which officials were willing to go under the gun and which officials refused to.  This week we start things off with County Supervisor Matt Rexroad.  The interview follows.

1.       The County is facing a $24 million budget deficit which represents over one-third of the general fund budget—what could you have done sooner to prevent this catastrophe?

Sheriff’s Department Cries Foul Over Proposed Budget Cuts

We have not covered this nearly enough, but Yolo County faces what is now a 24 million dollar budget deficit for next year.  How big is that number?  It represents over one third (36 percent to be precise) of the County’s General fund.

The proposal put forth by the county was to lay off 111 workers–a number that includes 53 from the Sheriff-Coroner’s Office.

Proposed Power Project Draws Concerns for Residents and Environmental Groups

linesThe Transmission Agency of North California (TANC) is proposing the development of a project that would include new and upgraded transmission lines, substations, and related facilities designed to provide new access to renewable energy resources in the west, including northern California.  The transmission line towers will stand approximately 100 to 150 feet in height and will cover up to 2,000 square feet at the base. Four to ten towers will be built per each linear mile of power line.

The proposal includes three alternatives routes for the project–all of which would cross through Yolo County.  One proposed route (Central 3) would traverse the western portion of the county along the west side of the Capay Valley, before passing west of the City of Winters. A second route (Central 2) would pass near the community of Knights Landing, as well as directly east of the cities of Woodland and Davis. A third route (Central 1) would traverse the eastern portion of Yolo County, through Elkhorn and around the City of West Sacramento.

Rexroad Runs For Re-Election

matt_rexroad2It was a decision that was not automatic for First Term County Supervisor Matt Rexroad.  In fact, there was a point where it seemed a good possibility that he would not run for re-election.  He had told me that he could always run for Supervisor but his kids wouldn’t always be young.  As he wrote in his blog on Saturday:
“I had pretty much decided that I was not going to run for re-election to the Board of Supervisors.  My family and business commitments were calling.”

Attorneys For Brenda Cedarblade File Letter of Complaint with District Attorney, Yolo County Sheriff, and Woodland Chief of Police

Complaint Alleges “Non-Responsiveness” to Series of Violent Threats, Acts of Violence and an Overall Pattern of Harassment

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On December 17, 2008, attorney Matt Gonzalez from the San Francisco based law firm of Gonzalez and Leigh, fired off a complaint addressed to Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig, Sheriff Ed Prieto, and Woodland Police Chief Carey Sullivan.

Target TCP Update Agendized for January 16 City-County Two-by-Two

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Representatives from the City and the County will meet on January 16, to discuss among other issues, the issue of TCP that was found in test sites around the Target Superfund site. To date, the EPA has dismissed community based calls for further testing before construction begins at their site.

The City-County will have their 2-by-2 meeting on Friday January 16, 2009 at 9 AM in the conference room at the Davis County Office which is located a block from City Hall at 600 A Street. The item on Target and the issue of the TCP has been agendized for discussion. The 2-by-2 consists of two members from the Board of Supervisors and two members from the City Council. That will be the two Davis Supervisors, which means that this will be newly installed Supervisor Jim Provenza’s first 2-by-2. Mayor Ruth Asmundson and Councilmember Don Saylor represent the city.

Budget Problems Put Crimp in Re-Entry Facility for Yolo County

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Opponents of a proposed re-entry facility for Yolo County have been aided by an expected ally–the state’s budget crisis and the nation’s economic crisis. According to an article in the Sacramento Bee on Wednesday, the state has been unable to sell bonds to pay for public works projects including $1 billion to fund re-entry facilities.

These problems are also holding up the $750 in jail construction funds including the $30 million the county is relying on from the state to expand the jail in Woodland–one of the major reasons for the county’s push to build a re-entry facility.

Supervisor-elect Jim Provenza Hires Staff

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Special to the Vanguard

Jim Provenza, Yolo County Supervisor – Elect for the 4th District announced today that he is appointing Gina Daleiden to serve as Deputy County Supervisor. Sandra Rodriguez will continue as Assistant Deputy.

Daleiden is currently employed as the Assistant Deputy to Supervisor Helen Thomson and is President of the Davis School Board. Daleiden is a Davis native and a 4th District resident in South Davis. Provenza and Daleiden previously served together on the Davis School Board.

Would the Gang Injuction Serve Us Well In the Case of the Amtrak Beating?

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I post this letter to the editor that appeared a few days ago in the Woodland Daily Democrat. I am not certain I agree with all of the letter. But there has always been something about the case described above that has not sit well with me.

Five of the youths were charged for crimes. Four of them were found guilty. That’s of course the headline. It is interesting that while a lot of the news accounts covered the guilty verdicts, a few of them did not note that they were acquitted of the most serious charge–attempted murder.

In fact, from what I see, only the Sacramento Bee reported that they were acquitted of the attempted murder charges.

City of Davis Responds to Yolo County General Plan’s Inclusion of City Edge

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The Vanguard is fully aware that most of the population is following the election today, and the bulk of our coverage today will be on the election. However, this is issue is too important to let slide. Tomorrow evening the Davis City Council will be taking up a response to Yolo County on the General Plan.

Here’s the key sections of the General Plan that impact Davis’ planning area:

Policy LU-6.2 reads: Coordinate with the University of California at Davis regarding the Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), campus facilities, off-campus agricultural and open space property and joint venture development with the private sector to achieve the best possible outcomes consistent with the General Plan.

Supervisor Rexroad Inexplicably Goes To War Against Flatlander

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On July 19, 2008, Yolo County Supervisor Matt Rexroad, an elected public official in this county for some reason decided to launch a war against the Yolo County Flatlander, a small, low profile, alternative news publication that is published and distributed primarily in Davis on a bi-monthly basis.

The Supervisor wrote:

“I encourage new ideas, new blogs, and new publications in Yolo County. The Flatlander however, had been a complete piece of trash in the past few years.

Yolo County Releases Draft of Updated General Plan

Draft General Plan Document Released

[FROM COUNTY PRESS RELEASE] (Woodland, CA) – Today, the Yolo County Draft General Plan was released to the public. On September 16, a joint meeting of the Yolo County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission will be held to receive a presentation on the Draft General Plan. The General Plan is the basic document used by local government in land use planning. It provides the comprehensive long-term plan for the physical development of the county, and is often referred to as “the constitution” of the county. All cities and counties are required, under state law, to have one.